gossip and a pedicure

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"well, how'd it go???" dahlia asked, eager to hear all about it.

"Amazingly, he was a perfect gentleman by the way." I said, trying to suppress a smile.

"well, I should hope so. What did you guys do after the rally? He came home pretty late." she replied suspiciously. She eyed me curiously, as if trying to figure me out.

"He took me dancing, and we went and git breakfast at midnight." I assured her, knowing exactly what she was worried about.

"Well was he any good at dancing?" she asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Great at dancing. And also very sweet. He did have an altercation though... Two actually." I mumbled, worried about how she would react.

"over what?" she asked, not at all suprised.

"well, there was a guy hitting on me in line and... Was using disrespectful ways of saying I was with him, which he took very personally... Then there was james's old friend derek who hit on me in ways that made me almost cry and then he got hit, and they fought until I seperated them and then the night moved more smoothly... He kissed me after the fire works and it was... Why am telling his mom this?" I laughed, pausing to look at her.

"Well, you're telling me this because I'm here for you too. You've been stuck in a relationship that was built on fear instead of happiness. This is happiness. And I want to know what it's like for you. For me, it was a rush. I felt so happy, I thought life itself could end. That was when I had that little pain, and I'm happy to have him, because I have unconditional love for him."

I smiled, somehow that was more comforting than scary to me. I didn't exactly have a mother's love of my own, but its amazing that hlhe was willing to share a woman like this with me.

"Well, his kiss was amazing. And I got butterflies and I smiled like an idiot, after the rally he took me to a cute little pub and we danced and laughed and it was... Perfect... Except my feet now hurt, like bad." she laughed, smiling at me softly.

"The things we do for love" she huffed, poking me in the arm before getting up.

"I think you, me, and Shane should all go get a pedicure." she said with an evil smile.
I love her!!! Haha

"ah, poor Shane has no idea what he's getting into." I joked, looking at her just as evily.

"you go get him, he trusts you." she joked, grabbing her keys.

I walked up stairs and put my head against the door, I could hear him singing as he got ready. How cute.

I knocked on the door, and waited for him to open it.

He was wearing a white tshirt and jeans, and he still had bed head... He looked adorable.

"Hey, get in the car, it's my turn to plan something special." I winked, walking down the stairs while he ran to grab his wallet.

"So, what are we doing?" he asked, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Oh no, you don't get to know, just like I didn't." I said finally, smiling cruelly at him.

He fell silent, smiling at me warily.
"How about I give you a reason to tell me?" he suggested with a grin.

"how?" I responded, looking at him closely. Something was odd.

"Maybe like this." he whispered cutely, getting as close as he could to my face, I closed my eyes to kiss him... Instead I got the crap scared out of me when he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like an ogre.

"SHANE ANDREW WILSON, I SWEAR IF YOU DO NOT PUT ME DOWN NOW-" I was cut off my his laughing, almost to the point of tears, before he rasped out, "could you please use a voice that sounds less like a three year old?"

Just what every girl wants to hear from her- wait, what are we?
Great, just another thing to torment me before I go to sleep tonight, ending in a slew of stupidity after I confront him... Lovely.

"Hmmm... How about you put me down, and I won't strangle you in your sleep... Okay?" I said, trying to sound serious.
I could feel him breath under me, as if waiting for me to figure out a way out.

"Promise to kiss me?" he asked like a five year old, innocent and hopeful.

"Mabye, lets put me down and see?" I whispered, trying to come off as sweet.
Let's just say I was struggling to control my bladder.

He put me down, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He looked into my eyes and smiled, looking at me intensly, yet with care.

"... Are we together?" I asked quietly.
Great... Killer of the moment, perfect.

He stared at me, his face unreadable.
I was struggling to take deep breath. This was panic. Am I moving to fast or do I seem needy? Whats taking him so long? Ugh...

"Hmmm..." he whispered playfully, pausing for affect.

"You and I went on a date, kissed, danced, made out, I drove you home, you 'woke me up' this morning, we cuddled and kissed and talked about how I'm not leaving and wanted to stay in bed with you all morning, take care of you, and spend my whole day with you... What do you think?"

His sass was not needed... But dang was it cute.

He kissed me, more forcefully than usual, running his fingers through my hair a bit before letting go and stepping back to look at me.

"I know what I want. Do you want it to?" he asked, refering to the one thing i wanted. His love.

"If I can, I will." I laughed, smiling at him softly before pecking him on the lips and walking him downstairs.

"Let's go!" I yelled at him, laughing as I grabbed a pepsi for myself and a dr. Pepper for him.

He has no idea what he agreed to with that question... Or what he is gonna suffer through today...
But he will deal.

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