no rest for the wicked

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I jumped onto the bed, crawling towards her, watching her smile grow and she began to lean closer to me.

Finally, after temptation got fhe best of her, she kissed me, laughing as I grabbed her waist and teased her, stopping a few seconds to look her in the eyes, watching her try to decide what to do.

Finally, she rolled over, teasing back.
Sadly, I was the one who wanted it more, because I wasn't gonna wait for her to kiss me again.

I reached over, slapping her butt and watching her freak out, laughing and rolling away from me.

Apparently, instead of making her wanna kiss me, I made her wanna hit me back... Great.

"wandering hands earn you nothing but trouble." she warned, jumping on me and laying down.

She thought she was making a difference, but I could throw her if I wanted to. She was a strong girl, but she couldn't keep me down... Not this way.

I rolled over on top of her, kissing her until she gave in, kissing me back.
She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me down until I got up, stopping things before they went to far.

I hate being the damn bigger person. Especially with a girl who looked like this.
She had looks that could kill...
She was so self conscious, afraid of a little extra of anything. She wanted to have better legs, a flatter tummy, she wanted a different everything.

Somehow, she saw something that made her feel like shit for having it, and I saw something that made me feel like shit because I couldn't.

She was blind... She couldn't see the beautiful amazing person I saw... And now I sat here, trying to control myself around her... She has no idea how much I love her.

"baby, would you do me a favor?..." she paused, starting to blush...
I knew where this was going. She was never embarassed unless she needed... "feminine products."

Apparently no other man on the face of the planet can fathom the fact that sometimes, girls have their periods and need chocolate, tampons, and midol... I don't care what anyone thinks, but some guys pretend it's the end of their manhood.

She was curled up and holding her tummy... Deffinately pills.
"you need midol, babe?" I asked, smiling as she blushed even more.

She turned on her begging voice, and used her puppy dog eyes... Can't say no to her sometimes.

"pwease, baby? They have it at the front desk and... My tummy hurts." she finished, looking at me with a soft smile.

I got up, throwing my jeans and shirt on before I walked out, grabbing the room key on the way out.

She could ask me to jump off a building, if she used those eyes.

I went to the front desk, almost tripping on my way.

The kid across the desk from me looked about 18, and kept glaring at me like he'd rather be anywhere else. That's when I realized charlie was right behind me...
Jealous much?

I mean, how could he not be. She was so out of my league. She was beautiful and sweet and funny and understanding and just... So unlucky to end up with a guy like me.

"hey, um... Could I get some midol, and could you break a 20?" I asked, smiling lightly, trying to make nice.

Apparently, according to what came out of his mouth next, it didn't work.

"for you, or for the girl?" he joked, walking to the back to grab the pills.
I was already in trouble... I would put up with him for now.

"for me, I feel like I got hit in the stomach a hundred times." she mumbled, wrapping her arms around my waist.

She was so warm, it was perfect.
"well, I hope this helps... If you need anything else, I'm here all night." he said, winking at her as if I wasn't even here... Rude.

I tensed up... I don't like people treading on my territory.

"if she needs anything, she's got me for it. And as for you? Eyes off my girl." I said in a low voice, glaring at him with anger.

Charlie started rubbing my pecks, hugging me as tightly as she could.
She tried to calm me down, but we both knew my anger was at an all time high today.

She started pulling me away, refusing to look back.

That kid was damn lucky she was there... I protect What's mine... He better learn that quick.

As soon as we got to the hotel room, she hugged me, breathing a huge sigh... She was holding her breath, the whole way back... I scared her.

"baby, calm down. Please? Just breath. I'm sorry. I know I have been a pain in the ass today... I am so sorry." I said, doing my best to hold her. She was still shaking, but her breath had slowed to normal.

I started to hear a weird sound, kindof like a dog begging, but muffled...
She's crying...

I lifted her chin to look at me, smiling at her softly.
She smiled back, looking desperate to stop her tears... It wasn't gonna happen any time soon.

I can't stand her crying, knowing I can't do anything but hold her...

I walked her to the bed, layed down with her, and wrapped my arms around her, my shirt getting warm with tears.

She kept gasping for breath, grabbing my tshirt and smothering herself in my chest. I wish she could just stop crying... That I could just wrap my arms around her and make everything better.

"I'm sorry, baby... I'll be better. I'll fix it. Just stop crying... Please? I'll do anything for you... Just stop crying..." It took everything in me not to start beating the shit out of myself for making her cry... This is the last way I ever wanted to make her feel...

"I'm not crying... I'm just.... Dammit, okay. I'm crying." she admitted, shame seeping into her voice.

Why do I have to do this to her?

"I know... Please, I'm sorry... I know you're crying, and thats okay, but... I don't want to be the reason you cry. I want to be the reason you smile... Just let me make you feel better."
I'm a piece of shit... Why does this have to happen?

"listen... What can I do?" I asked, begging... I need to fix this. Now.

"just... Hold me... Please?" she said, gripping me tighter, sounding desperate.

... How could I ever leave her?

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