"the difference between you and me..."

15 1 1

His sweats are about three sizes to big, but the strings help some. His tshirt was uncomfortable so I decided to just go with the tank top. Sounds slutty? To bad.

Atleast I'm wearing a shirt, unlike him.
Although I'm deffinately not telling him to put one on.

"popcorn or ice cream?" he hollered down the basement door, making me jump at the sound of his voice.

"um... I don't care, really. Whatever you want!" I yelled back, trying to play off my voice's shaking quality at being scared.

"Both it is then!" he laughed, slamming the door and running down the stairs with two spoons, a gallon of ice cream, and a huge bowl of popcorn.

He was so damn cute sometimes.

"you ready, babe?" I asked playfully, standing up and putting the movie in.
He hit my butt and laughed, pulling me back onto to couch.
His mom had let him completely redo the basement, turning it into a home theater, aka the best room in the house.

"ready as I'll ever be" he laughed, laying on top of me. He was trying to trap me, but I was determined to win at all costs...
Tity twister.

He yelled, rolling off the couch and laying on the floor.
"That was mean!" he mumbled, feigning anger.
"but you love me, so you can deal." I mumbled, climbing down to kiss him.

"whatever helps you sleep at night." he retorted, picking me up and dropping me on the couch. He climed on after, cuddling up next to me and grabbing the remote.

"excuse me?" I asked, warning him.

"you're perfect and lovely and I'm the luckiest man in the world." he whispered into my neck, making me laugh and pull away from him.

"shhh, don't be all sweet, I'll feel bad when you scream like a girl from the movie!" I said, sitting back up next to him.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, wrapping an arm around me.
I pressed play on the remote, and the movie started.

He instantly tensed up, becoming more and more afraid. He tried to hide it, but it was to obvious not to notice.

I grabbed the popcorn and started eating it, when he tried to take some. I put the bowl as far away from him as possible, hoping that he would learn to deal, because I wasn't Sharing... Or I thought I wasn't.

"meany!" he giggled, climbing over me to the bowl. He was crushing me, and he knew it, but he wanted to win... He wanted me to day mercy. Would I?

"off." I demanded evenly, lifting myself onto my elbows to look at him.
He just stared at me, his mouth filled with popcorn. "or maybe I could just stay here until you run out of breath." he said expectantly.

"No kisses or cuddling for the whole night then." I threatened, challenging him with my eyes.
If it's a war he wants, it's a war he'll get.

He looked at me suspiciously, deciding if I could do it or not... Then he decided I could. Good choice.

"fine." he huffed, breaking the silent stare we had been keeping up.
He climbed off me and stared at me while I sat up and grabbed the ice cream.

Mint chip!!! I love this night. Perfect.

Right then, I was met by a blood curdling scream, followed by popcorn raining down on me... Great.

I looked over and saw shane, glancing sheepishly at me. "You okay, babe?" I asked, grabbing his shoulder softly.

He paused and tried to keep his face from blushing.
"I'm fine." he said, grabbing my hand to kiss it.
He picked a piece of popcorn out of my hair and ate it, smiling broadly as he wrapped his arm around me.

"can I have some?" he asked, looking at the ice cream intently.

I gave him a bit, laughing at the face he made from the cold.
Too damn cute.

Two hours later, he was asleep, laying on my lap... Time for some fun.

I gently moved out from under him, grabbing a sharpie, razor, and shaving cream.
I put shaving cream all over his beard, and an hour later, he had a baby face.

After that, I wrote my name in guge sharpie letters across his forehead, drew all over his chest, and shaved a line down it. Somehow he was still handsome. But much more funny. Mission accomplished.

I put all of it away, curling up next to him and wrapping my arms around him. He was either going to be amused, or pissed. Let's wait and see.

He is so warm, and he mumbles in his sleep. It's so cute, and the way he wraps his arms around me, and the way he smiles in a dead sleep, it's perfect. I could stay here forever. Although I think when he wakes up, he'll change his mind about letting me stay.

Well, I'll just have to wait and see.

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