Chapter Three

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Hana was quiet during the drive to the dorm. At first she was merely curious about the surroundings, having rarely been to Seoul before, but soon her curiosity turned to awe. The neighborhood that they had entered was beautiful and obviously affluent. She was aware that BTS was popular and successful, which in turn meant that they were rich, but she suddenly realized that she had underestimated how much so. When the van pulled up to the gate of a tall apartment complex, she thought her eyes might fall right out of her head. She had been given the address for her new residence, and a quick count of the building's floors told her that the dorm should be the one on top.

Ms. Jo parked the van in the complex's private garage, and their arrival had been anticipated. The passenger side door was quickly thrown open. "Noona!" Jungkook crowed, only to be caught off guard to see Yoongi glaring at him instead. "Oh, sorry hyung."

He tried the back seat next, sighing when Namjoon climbed out first. "That's a wonderful greeting for your head alpha," the older man grumbled, playfully angry. He stepped aside quickly and seemed mollified by Jungkook's bright expression when Hana was finally in view.

"Welcome home, noona," he said, reaching out and lifting her down from the van.

"I can walk, Jungkookie," she said, any hopes of sounding stern foiled by an inadvertent giggle when he grinned with all of his teeth showing. Undaunted by the scolding, he set her on the ground and headed for the back of the van to help unload her belongings.

He was not the only one who had come to greet them, though Seokjin had apparently gotten straight to work. "How were your appointments?" he asked as he approached Hana with a box already in his hands. "Did everyone treat you well?"

"Yes, oppa," she replied, and he beamed to be addressed as such.

"I think we can get everything in one trip," he said, glancing back at the rest who were still working. "You didn't bring very much with you. Are you sure you got everything?"

Hana could only shrug. "I don't own that much. Ms. Jo helped me out, and she's very organized, so it should be okay."

"Yes, our manager-noona takes very good care of all the house omegas. She knows what you need. And if you did miss anything, we'll make sure to replace it for you, so let us know okay?" Seokjin moved on when Namjoon and Yoongi approached with their own boxes, the three of them making up an elevator load already.

Jungkook was able to carry both of the large tubs of nest materials, which were more bulky than heavy, and Hana propped her smallest box on one hip and wheeled her suitcase with the other, which did in fact allow them to empty the van in a single trip. "Everyone is so excited to welcome you, noona," Jungkook said as he led the way towards the building entrance. "Nobody could sit still all day. Jin-hyung made me clean the bathrooms even though we have someone who comes in and does that now, so they were fine already."

"I appreciate the effort," Hana chuckled. "I'm not used to people making a fuss over me."

"We like making a fuss." Jungkook pushed the elevator button with his elbow, and let Hana and Ms. Jo board first. When he set his burden on the floor of the elevator and pressed the button, Hana noticed that she was in fact correct. They were headed for the penthouse, the best unit of an already excellent building. How had she gone from living with her parents, working at a thankless, low-pay job, to a glamorous and classy apartment literally overnight? It felt unreal, and she wasn't even there yet.

By the time they reached the top floor, her heartbeat was pounding loudly in her ears. Hana was all too aware of her appearance after a long car ride and traversing what felt like the entire company building. She would have given almost anything for maybe half an hour of privacy to refresh herself and look nice for this first introduction to the full pack, but it was far too late for that.

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