Chapter Twenty-Six

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"He seriously wrestled Seokjin into your nest?" Miyoung covered her mouth delicately as she laughed at the story. "I wondered how you had managed with him, but that's certainly not what I expected." After spending most of the morning unpacking together, the omegas had taken a break for lunch. Miyoung had been quick to ask about Hana's first weeks in the dorm, feeling out how hers might go.

"I told you the alphas take care of each other," Hana grinned. "Jungkookie was very invested in making sure that I bonded with the whole pack."

Miyoung nodded sagely. "I would hope so. He's very aware of how his stubbornness affects the pack, I'm glad he hasn't been selfish now that he has what he wants."

Hana hid her desire to bristle at the statement. "Stubbornness? You make it sound like he chooses to be sensitive."

"We all make choices and sacrifices, honey," Miyoung shrugged. "Jungkook doesn't choose to have a sensitive nose, but he has chosen to make it everyone else's problem. Some of the other members have given up a lot more than he has been asked to over the years."

Although she wasn't sure she wanted to know, Hana couldn't stop the phrase slipping out of her lips. "Like what?"

"Families, among other things," Miyoung replied without hesitation. "Namjoon and Seokjin would happily be off on their own now with mates and probably a few pups, too, but the band operates best as a pack. So they're still waiting."

Hana had to swallow a lump in her throat. It was a little bit of a surprise to hear that some of the members wanted other things out of life, sure; but what really caught her off guard was how much she hated the idea. She didn't want to imagine her alphas as anything besides a unit, a pack. "I don't think that can be compared. And trust me, if Jungkook could simply ignore the effect his nose has on him, he would have done it years ago for his own sake. I'm sure he has tried even harder since he came to Seoul and became part of BTS, since that's the type of person he is."

"I guess we'll agree to disagree. At least he's behaving perfectly well now that you're here." Miyoung picked up their empty dishes and took them to the sink. Hana had done the cooking, so she gladly let the older omega handle the cleanup. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I got a message from Daehyun this morning. He wants to go out soon, most likely to gossip about how I'm settling in here. We should invite the twins and make a day of it."

"That sounds fun, I'll call them all," Hana said, hopping up from her seat to check the calendar. At least there were some things that the two of them could easily agree on.


Day two alone with Miyoung was longer. Without any unpacking to do, they had little to keep them busy together, yet Hana felt bad retreating to a separate space. She had settled on sitting on the couch and trying to finish her scarf- the days were growing cooler, after all- when her phone buzzed suddenly.

KTH: Hana, have you listened to the new song yet?

SHN: No! I wanted to wait for you to get home! Haneul-unnie says it's very good though.

JHS: We won't all be home at the same time tonight, can you wait that long?

SHN: Really? There's nothing late on the schedule.

KSJ: Yoongi-chi said he needs to go to the studio and work late.

KNJ: And Jimin said he was going to be in the practice studio.

MYG: I can come home if it's important.

SHN: Oh, it's not, if you're busy maybe Miyoung-unnie will watch it with me.

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