Chapter Twelve

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The intention of having Seokjin in the nest was just to sleep, originally. The band had a full schedule the next day, and even Hana had appointments. Rest was essential. But they had other needs, too. Early in the morning those needs called out to them more loudly than the drive to sleep.

Jin was the first one stirring. Half-awake, he wriggled around as if searching for something, only to still when his nose found the bare skin of Hana's neck. It tickled and roused her as well. Her restless wiggling must have rubbed his body in sensitive places, because a long, deep hum came out of his throat, the precursor to a moan. His hands were soon petting the soft fabric of her nightgown, and hers were under the hem of his t-shirt where the skin was smooth and warm. When they both seemed to accept that they were awake, like it or not, Seokjin pressed his soft lips to hers in an unhurried kiss. "Morning, pretty girl."

"Morning, oppa," she murmured in return. It was still dark, but her eyes were adjusted. She could see his face, somehow even more beautiful in the low light, filtered into something ethereal. "There's a fairy prince in my nest," she observed, not realizing she had said it aloud until the alpha suddenly laughed.

"That might be a new one," he said, still chuckling. "I mostly get vampire."

"Can I change my answer, then? Vampire is good." She traced a single finger down the column of his neck. His skin was so fair and smooth.

"Vampires are dangerous, pretty girl," he purred at her. "You don't seem like you can handle that much danger."

"Fairies are far more dangerous. They're masterful tricksters." Hana moved her finger further down, tracing a lazy pattern on his chest. "I know what a vampire wants, mostly. But a fairy could want any number of things, and they'll probably never tell you directly what they're after." Perhaps the intimacy of the dark made her bold and honest. She spread her hand flat over his chest, feeling his breath and his heartbeat. "I'll stick with fairy prince. I still don't know what you want, Jinnie-oppa."

"Me?" Even his puzzled expression was handsome. "I want you, pretty girl."

"See, now I'm sure you're a fairy. They deal in half-truths." She smiled wanly. "You treat me so kindly, and tell me I'm pretty, and I don't think that's a lie. But the things your pack mates told me about what you like... I don't think I'm it."

"Who? What did they say?!" he sputtered indignantly. "Hana, you're darling, and sweet, and just my type. Who would make you think otherwise?"

"Yoongi-oppa said you like to be sassed," she reminded him. "And Jungkookie told me you like assertive omegas. I'm not very sassy or assertive. Despite all your kindness I even needed someone else to force me into inviting you into my nest."

"Ah... that." Seokjin shifted as he decided how to answer. Hana began to roll onto her back, distancing herself from the awkward situation of her own making, but he reached out and drew her back in. "I'm just... Listen, people usually don't believe me when I say this. Because I am mister Worldwide Handsome, you know? But I might be... might be just a little shy."

It had crossed her mind before, but seemed impossible. Yet his blushing in her doorway even while Jungkook twisted his arm suggested he was being truthful. "And what does that have to do with your preferences?" she asked, earning some more fidgeting.

"The members seem to think I like more aggressive omegas because they never see me with anyone who hasn't flirted with me first. But that's just because I don't have the nerve to make the first move." His full lips drew into a pout. "I barely have the nerve to shoot back when Yoongi's teasing me, I thought I was going to keel over and die in the kitchen when he started talking about us having sex."

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