Chapter Seventeen

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Hana had to work very hard during her last two days without the pack to keep herself from slipping into a darker place. She wanted to curl up and sleep the entire time, and admittedly, she did take naps and lounge around quite a bit. Seeing her alphas fight amongst themselves had left her feeling very drained in a way she did not fully understand. She did not dare to ask them what had happened to her, for fear of poking at the wound. There would be time soon to ask.

Even though it was an uphill battle she kept up with the apartment and her own self-care too. She did not want the pack worrying over a single thing when they got home. They would be tired, but she knew that the explanation they were owed could not wait long. That had to be where all of their energy was directed. Once she got word that they were boarding the plane she scoured the whole kitchen, checked on all of the bathrooms, and vacuumed the living area. Everything was clean and ready to be filled with their scents again. Then she cleaned herself, taking a long hot shower and dressing in one of her prettier nightgowns. She was ready to welcome them home, too.

The band would be arriving in the middle of the night, local time, and Hana knew that she had to get some sleep. To make sure she did not miss their arrival, though, she chose to forgo her nest. Instead she grabbed several favorite pillows and blankets and made herself a temporary bed on the couch in the living room. The sound of the door opening nearby would wake her for sure. It was difficult to fall asleep at first with anticipation buzzing in her veins, but once she did fall into slumber it was deep and dreamless.

When she was first roused by soft but familiar voices and the clicking of lock tumblers, it was dark, but the world became bright again very suddenly. Hana sat up and heard the voices still. The whole pack was surprised to see her there, but their shock did not last long. The need for action took over instead.

Jimin and Taehyung won the race to the sofa by abandoning their suitcases mercilessly and even clambering over the back of the furniture to save some steps. The last of her drowsiness melted away when the beloved scents of vanilla and caramel made her heart begin to race. They were kissing and licking her face and neck wherever they could reach, heedless of giving one another personal space, which meant there were hands over hands on her and they bumped heads once or twice. Hana did her best to return their scenting but they were on the move and she could hardly do anything at all. It didn't seem to matter to them as much, though.

Hoseok's growl finally reminded them that they needed to hurry up and share, although they didn't go far, just to the other side of the couch. Jungkook was quick to claim a turn too. Strawberry and pomegranate were the next aromas that settled over her skin while she kissed them each in greeting and accepted their possessive attention gratefully. Her alphas had often steered clear of each other's favorite patches of skin so that their salivas did not mingle, but that unspoken rule seemed to be off the table this time. They were not afraid to layer their claims upon her this time. Her collarbones were delightfully cold from all of their affection heaped over them on repeat.

When those two were done, Hana got to her feet to greet the remaining alphas. As the leader and the two eldest they deserved her deference, and the reminder that she was still loyal after their absence, but her move to bow was interrupted when Namjoon held his arms open and looked at her expectantly. How could she possibly do anything besides leap happily into his embrace? Contentment rumbled in his chest as he lapped his chocolate scent over her skin, and it was quickly followed by spices and orange. The leader did not seem bothered in the least that she exchanged kisses with the other two without ever leaving his hold. Every soft animal-like noise and every delicious scent expressed how happy all of them were to be reunited, without reservations.

Their unbridled joy couldn't last forever, although they did a good job of prolonging it while they decided where everyone was going to sit. Hana raised no protest when the pillows and blankets she had brought from her nest were passed around to share; if anything she was proud of how much they all wanted to pass around their scents and hers. By the time they were done, the average nose would have had a difficult time knowing which individual pack member was which, and that was as it should be.

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