Chapter Six

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Hana had not forgotten the conversation she overheard between Namjoon and Jo Ahnjong the night she moved into the dorm. She had simply managed not to dwell on it in favor of using her mental energy on pack matters. Now that she needed to call the manager to arrange a car, her anxieties reared their ugly heads again. Ms. Jo didn't think she belonged here, thought she would cause problems for the pack, but Hana did not know why. If only she knew, she could fix it. She wanted to do a good job; the members of BTS were already important to her, and she would never intentionally hurt them. What had Ms. Jo so worried?

Before she could handle making the call Hana buried herself in her blanket on the couch. Though they had not scented it intentionally, it already smelled a little like the pack, and in the enclosed space the scents on her skin were amplified too. Being surrounded by them helped to calm her racing heart. She was reminded of all of their praise and appreciation. The pack thought she was doing a good job, and she needed to be just as confident in herself as they would be. Ms. Jo would soon see that her concerns were needless.


Naturally, of course, she had gotten herself worked up for nothing. Ms. Jo was consummately professional on the phone and gave her detailed instructions for requesting a car. "We do try to keep everything in order by booking cars in advance, but I hear that a string or two may have been pulled in this case," she said, a little amusement creeping into her tone.

"Is that a bad thing?" Hana asked despite herself. Her alphas had made it fairly clear that they were fine with bending rules to suit them, but she still was not used to defiance. She was braced for a scolding, now.

"No, it's not at all," Ms. Jo replied, flying in the face of Hana's expectations. "In fact it's good to see the band members are already acting in their alpha roles. We discourage gifts for the members' protection, but favors are generally safe, especially when it stays within the company. Don't worry, Miss Seo, the members know the rules."

They surely did, but Hana felt justified questioning it when she had Seokjin's card in front of her on the coffee table. It was probably best not to mention that. "Thank you, Ms. Jo. I'll be calling the transportation department now."

"Just a moment." Hana stayed on the line, curious about what else the manager might need. "While I have you, I wanted to ask if you would be interested in meeting some of the company's other house omegas. We typically reach out for mentors when we hire inexperienced omegas, and when we mentioned that you had been placed with BTS we suddenly had a lot of volunteers. I thought that instead of a single mentor you might want to meet a few of your predecessors, and see what you can learn."

"Wait, do you mean omegas who have actually worked with the band before?" It was an offer both tempting and terrifying, like meeting your partner's ex. Hana was sure she would learn a lot, but would it be good or bad? "May I take some time before I decide?"

"If you must, but don't take too long. They'll be waiting to hear the news." With that done, Ms. Jo bade her goodbye, and Hana made her next call.

Even with Yoongi's favor, there was no car available for her until the afternoon. That suited her just fine, though. She had other duties to attend as well. She would take her time and make everything perfect.


Hoseok was having a lucky day, he decided. He was one of the first members finished with makeup before their afternoon interviews, so he was already scrolling on his phone when a notification popped up.

Baby 💖: [image attached]

He opened the message and couldn't stop himself from letting out a happy yelp. Hana had delivered on her mission, and better than he hoped for. When he had left the house that morning she had been dressed in one of those sweet sundresses that showed off a tantalizing amount of her collarbones, and her hair had been neatly braided. Of course she also had Namjoon's fresh hickey on her, which Hoseok had handled better than Taehyung, but it was only natural to feel a little unsettled about it due to that itch to make his own mark as well.

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