Chapter Fourteen

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After Yoongi left, taking their empty mugs with him, he promised Hana that he would end Jimin's torment and send him in next. She didn't have to wait long. The younger alpha hurried through the door while she was still fixing the pillows- again- and scurried right up to the entrance of the nest. She left him waiting, partly to see what would happen. Perhaps it was the recent dose of caffeine making her feel bratty, or the fact that she had already had several orgasms in one night and was in no hurry for the next. Or maybe she just liked the idea of making him wait for once, when he had kept her waiting for a while. He was bouncing impatiently on the balls of his feet by the time she looked up from her work. "Did you need something, Jimin-oppa?"

"Hanaaaaa," he whined, full lips puffing into a pout. "Am I invited in or not?"

"I don't know." She scooted closer to him and swung her legs out of the nest so that she was seated in front of him. His eyes flicked up and down her robe-clad body, but he tried to hide his hunger. "Do you really want to come into my nest? Or are you still unsure about me?"

Something warred behind Jimin's gaze. He might be the most delicate appearing of her alphas, but that did not make him submissive. Perhaps he didn't like the challenge. It was a little inappropriate considering he had been such a good alpha to her recently, but Hana had the right to protect her nest, even if her tests were harsh. Having sex was one thing. Allowing him into her sanctum was another.

He seemed to make a decision quickly. The way he dropped to his knees was fluid, graceful, utterly startling on its own even before she processed that an alpha was bowing to her, baring the back of his neck much like she had done for him. "Hana. You're my pack's omega, my omega. I don't have any doubts about that anymore. Please, can I come in?"

She suddenly empathized with the anxiety he had felt after she apologized. This kind of display was not what she wanted, and it made her uneasy. "Yes, alpha, please get up and come in."

Jimin lifted his head, but he did not rise to his feet. Instead he reached out and ran his fingers up her bare calves that were in front of him, too tantalizing to resist. "I don't know," he said, tone suddenly playful as he imitated her earlier phrase. "I think I should apologize better than that. Stay on my knees for you and show you just how sorry I am." His hands traveled further up her legs, thumbs grazing her inner thighs, and it took the barest of nudges for her to open them. He flipped aside the fabric of her robe that was his final obstacle and gazed longingly at the pink treasure he revealed. "So pretty," he cooed. "I've been looking forward to tasting it."

"Are you sure?" Hana asked, even though she desperately wanted it. The way he was already devouring her with his eyes had her hot, almost squirming with anticipation. "I'll taste like other alphas right now."

"Not like that's a first for me," Jimin shrugged. He gave her a naughty smirk that suggested she should think about that imagery, but dove in to claim his prize before she could.

His tongue went deep right away, gulping up as much of her as he could find, slaking his thirst before he could even dream of having enough control to be coy and gentle with her. Hana put her hands in his hair and he reacted with a happy little noise that shook her right through, starting her on her own sounds. He delved further with every moan she made until she wondered how he could even breathe with his entire face buried in her folds.

Perhaps he couldn't, because soon he had to back off and seemed breathless, but he locked eyes with her again while he got his fill of oxygen. One heated look from Jimin could say so much, and the sight of that expression while he was covered nose to chin in her slick was unbelievably sinful. Hana could feel her heart pounding wildly even before he ducked back down for his second helping.

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