Chapter Eight

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Morning was better. With Jungkook curled around her, pomegranate scent filling her senses both straight from the source and infused into all of his cozy bedding, she had felt peaceful in both body and mind. Sleep settled the emotions that she still could not put a name to. When the sun rose she was refreshed, ready to face the world.

The band had staggered schedules again and it was Jungkook's turn to sleep in. Hana was accustomed to waking early from her job at the daycare, though, and continuing to rise with the members' early alarms meant that her body had remained in its habit. Even though her alpha remained in his peaceful slumber, she was not going to be able to go back to sleep. Instead she wiggled carefully from his arms so as not to wake him. That achieved, she leaned in and kissed his forehead quickly, hoping he could continue to rest well.

The members slated to go in early were the three known as the rap line- as the name suggested, they rapped in BTS' musical works, but she was catching on to the fact that they did so much more. Namjoon was the leader of course, many of those duties obvious. She had seen Yoongi's stage name, Suga, plastered all over production credits, and the other members had told her that Hoseok was their dance leader. And all of them were involved in songwriting. That all explained why they had been the last three home the night before and were still up so early, and already talking about their latest project, too; Hana still didn't like it very much. They looked tired.

Much of Hoseok's fatigue lifted from his face when she appeared. "Good morning, baby! You're up early."

"It's what I'm used to," she shrugged, padding eagerly over when he opened his arms. Being greeted by strawberry kisses in the morning was not what she was used to, but she could easily get there. Hobi wanted to keep her for some proper cuddles, but Namjoon cleared his throat and she was released to say good morning to their leader as well.

The smell of his coffee mingling with his body's chocolate aroma was reminiscent of the mocha scent he had when aroused. Hana decided to blame that for how easily she melted, letting herself be pulled into his lap to straddle one of his muscular thighs. His kisses were close-mouthed and chaste, but the way he flexed beneath her and then glanced down to admire how her nightgown had pulled up to bare her legs was decidedly not. "Mean, Joonie," she whispered, and he pinched the soft flesh of her rear in warning. That was not what she was to call him around the other members.

Yoongi came to her rescue, placing the mug that had been designated as hers in front of the seat next to Namjoon. It gave her an excuse to slide off his lap and into her own space where she could collect herself. "Do you all have another long day today?" she asked, not sure she could remember the calendar without getting up to look again.

"Hopefully not," Hoseok answered, trying to look optimistic. "It's been crunch time on a song but we finished it yesterday, to our standards anyway. Today is mostly about getting the final approvals. It should all be smooth sailing."

"I have planning meetings and collab work into the evening," Namjoon said, but he looked apologetic when Hana's lips drew into a pout. She quickly tried to level her expression again, because this was his work, and it was not her place to interfere in any way. The band's schedule would not bend for a house omega.

That also meant that they did not have much time together this morning. The alphas were nearly on the way out the door already. Namjoon and Yoongi took their turns scenting Hana quickly, leaving Hoseok for last. "I'm glad you woke up early today," he sighed happily as she drew her tongue over his scent gland and enjoyed the burst of fresh strawberry.

"Me too," she purred while he returned the favor, kissing and licking the mark on her shoulder. "Oh, I almost forgot though! I washed the hoodie you gave me, oppa. Can I put it back in your closet today?" He nodded and she glanced at the others. "I washed the t-shirt, too, but I wasn't sure whose it was. Only that it's one of yours, or Seokjin-oppa's."

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