Author's Note

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You guys know that I rarely drop an update for just a note, but I had to say something this time.

I worked super hard on the last chapter. During those six weeks that you all were left waiting I was not slacking. I had some big stuff happening in my real life, stuff I won't be sharing because it was actually big enough to make a couple of local news outlets and I don't need people googling my hometown. Then just when I thought I was getting a break, I got COVID. I'm still struggling to recover from it, actually. September wasn't fun for me.

Despite all of that I delivered a chapter that was over ten thousand words. I didn't want to skimp on this one so I just let it keep going until I had accomplished everything I intended to. It was such a huge relief to finish and publish it that I immediately started the next chapter. Hopefully I won't leave you waiting so long the next time!

But guys, the comments rolling in are really not what I expected. I've been inundated with comments and messages from people wanting to see more JK & Joon, and while I get where you're coming from, some of these have been pretty demanding and impolite. It's disappointing. I've never had readers act this way with me before, and I've been writing fanfiction for quite a long time.

I'm halfway done with the next chapter already and no, there's no Jungkook and Namjoon scene. It doesn't work with the pacing of the story, which is important as I work on wrapping things up and approaching the end, and it doesn't work with the way I've been carefully balancing the amount of attention each character gets, which is something I normally get complimented on and do not want to compromise. But I'm already questioning whether anyone will really care that much about the storytelling if I'm not delivering on reader demands. That's not fun.

I love interacting with you guys. I have a fan discord specifically for that and I welcome requests and suggestions. I even addressed this already with a reader there who asked about this very politely, and was so understanding of my answer! I'm a very lucky author in that the majority of my readers have been sweet and kind, always encouraging me and giving me energy. But to those few who think they can demand what I write next... you'd better go read my commission details, because no one gets to tell me what to write unless they're paying me. And you'll have to wait in line even then, because I always have a wait list.

Thank you so much to everyone who loves my stories. I appreciate you more than you know. Hopefully I'll be back soon with an actual update for you. 💜

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