Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Trigger warning: While this story has touched on themes of mental health and trauma often, this chapter takes it a little deeper for the first time with mentions of medication and PTSD. Please be prepared. I hope you enjoy the chapter.


After a long flight, during which Hana slept only fitfully, the ride from the airport to the hotel was a blur. They were able to load directly into their cars at this airport, which meant she got to stay with her alphas instead of the pack, and Jungkook supported her along the way. Though she had her own room, he took note of her fatigue and carried her to his bed. That was all that she remembered before sinking into a deep, dreamless sleep.

She woke up to a gentle shaking. When she blinked her bleary eyes, it was not one of her alphas rousing her. It was Dr. Choi, brows furrowed. "Good, there you are. Glad to have you back with us, Hana."

"Did something happen?" Hana asked, confused by the doctor's apparent concern. "What do you mean 'back'?"

Jungkook leaned into her field of vision. "Noona, you went under during the flight," he said. "Then you slept for twelve hours, so I called the doctor in again."

"I... I what?" She tried to sit up, but her head swam as she did. Jungkook lurched forward, but Dr. Choi held up a hand. "I don't remember that. I remember the flight, I remember landing at the airport... don't I?"

"You had a panic attack during the flight," Dr. Choi said patiently. "I offered to sedate you, but you didn't want that. Jung Hoseok coaxed you to drop into sub-space instead, which helped. But you stayed in that state for quite a long time, and crashed very hard. Have you ever panicked while traveling like this before?"

"I haven't really traveled very much," the omega replied, closing her eyes and trying to take stock of her body. Stiff and sore, but only in the way she might normally be after laying in an awkward position for too long. Hungry, and thirsty too. Who knew how long it had been since she'd had anything to eat or drink. "But no, the couple of times I have gone on a trip, nothing like this happened. What set me off?"

"You were talking with Jin-hyung, so I'm not sure," Jungkook said. "The rest of the pack had to go make arrangements for a performance, so I can't ask him."

"I believe he said they had been talking about the possibility of press attendance at the landing," Dr. Choi volunteered. She had produced a pen light and prompted Hana to open her eyes again, checking the pupil response. "Does that ring any bells?"

Hana felt her breathing pick up. "He told me a story about a time you were traveling overseas, there wasn't much security, and the crowd pressed in, and–"

"He shouldn't have told you that," Jungkook snapped. "That doesn't happen to us anymore. We learned from it."

"But I can see why that could be a trigger," Dr. Choi said. "The coordis said you were upset by the press back home."

"It was a lot," she admitted quietly. "I don't like crowds. I don't know what to do with that many people around, especially if I have any attention on me. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, honestly. I had been worrying about it for a while."

"Do you tend to worry about things in advance like that?" Dr. Choi asked as she urged Hana to sit up again. Her expression was rather flat at the tentative, affirmative answer, and the omega asked if that was a bad thing. "No, it's just information that I need to take better care of you. For now, though, I think the most important thing is that you are far overdue for a good meal and plenty to drink. You look dehydrated."

"I can call room service," Jungkook offered, but Hana reached out for his hand when he tried to move.

"I should go to my own room, first," she said. "If I can recover, I'll be able to unpack and get settled in."

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