Chapter Fifteen

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The first day was reasonably easy; of course, Hana slept through a lot of it. Buried right in the center of her nest that smelled freshly of all seven alphas, sated and soothed by their affection and intimacy, she had been oblivious to the world while they had to go wash away the scent of her and head to the airport to be thronged by press. That was definitely for the best.

The only hiccup was when she tried to watch the news during dinner that evening. BTS was such a huge sensation that their departure was featured. They looked amazing, as always, and she found her hands stilled as she took them all in. When a longing sigh passed her lips she shook her head and hurried to turn on a drama instead. She refused to start missing them when they had not even landed yet. The sooner that started the harder it would be.

Thank goodness she had things to fill her time, just as she had promised the alphas. Her meeting with the other house omegas was very well timed, on the second day without the pack. Hana woke up that morning to a number of text messages from the pack- day and night were essentially reversed for them, now, so it would be pretty common for them to be awake and on the move during the hours she was usually sleeping. It was nice to see that they were already thinking of her even though they had hit the ground running, work starting pretty much as soon as they landed. She made sure to return every sentiment and thank them for the photos of a famous skyline and their smiling faces. All of that was managed before she climbed out of the safety of her nest- then, it was time to face reality.

She dressed in layers, unsure of how her well-marked skin would be received by the other house omegas. They were in the same position Hana was, theoretically, but she had no idea what the protocol would be. Showing off her marks might be encouraged, to prove she was serving the pack well, or it might be seen as just that: showing off. A light cardigan went over her favorite sundress and after she fixed her hair she added a silky, flowing scarf. The result was all of the hickeys successfully hidden beneath an outfit that made her feel stylish, for once.

After admiring her look in the full-length mirror she decided to snap a quick selfie. Several members had sent her photos, so why not return the favor? A couple of poses later she chose her favorite and sent it to the group chat, which garnered an immediate response. Even though their day was drawing to a close, the pack was eager to communicate with her even if it delayed their sleep.

KTH: Is that what you're wearing to the omega meeting, beautiful?

PJM: Oh, so pretty!

JHS: Baby, you're all covered up again. Hobi doesn't like that.

KSJ: He's right, why so modest today? You're meeting other house omegas. They expect you to be marked up.

SHN: I want to make a good impression. Omegas are complicated about hierarchy, I don't want to be seen as a show-off the first time we meet.

MYG: You'll be fine. But it's probably smart to be covered up in public anyway.

KNJ: I agree. If any paparazzi have caught wind of this meeting they'll be trying to photograph marks and guess which band you're assigned to.

SHN: They do that based on hickeys alone? Really?

JJK: Don't worry noona, they would probably guess you're with a bigger band based on how many we put on you this time!

MYG: That's not better. If I saw her photo next to another idol on the tabloids I would be pissed.

PJM: Don't worry, Hana, there probably won't be any paparazzi at all. The company does a very good job of keeping our omegas safe.

KTH: It would be safer if she was with us.

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