Chapter Four

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Hana woke with Jungkook's muscular leg thrown over her. Even though she had been buzzing with emotion when it was time to retire, nothing had happened in his bed besides cuddling, a little more scenting, and a surprisingly restful sleep. It was a relief in many ways. The two of them had fallen so easily into one another's lives and arms again, instincts reacting to the scents they had never forgotten, but they were nearly strangers in most aspects now. She was not ready to untangle the mess that would surely become of them if they had sex in this strange in-between phase. She also was not ready to untangle herself from his body, so the harsh sound of his alarm was especially unwelcome.

He seemed no more eager to face the day. After shuffling about to reach the alarm Jungkook curled right back around her, nose in her neck. "Smell so good," he mumbled groggily. "Missed this."

"Missed what? We've never done this." Hana chuckled as she ran her fingers through his dark hair, taming it down from its sleep-ruffled state.

He was quiet as he pondered her question, hands that had been pawing at the back of her nightgown growing suddenly still. "Dunno. It felt like the right thing to say. Maybe I dreamed it." His nose pressed further into the hollow above her collarbone. "But I couldn't have dreamed how nice you would smell covered in my pack. I tried, but it's so much better. I knew you would be perfect, Hana."

Jungkook was the only person who had ever been enthusiastic about her scent, but it was no surprise that even he preferred it layered under all the rich smells the other members had to offer. She was completely enamored with their exquisite combination, too, so perhaps it was in fact for the best that her bland almond disappeared among them. They needed no disruptions to their winning formula. That thought helped drive her to push him out of their little bubble and back into the real world where he would never be so informal as to call her by name. "It's time to get out of bed," she tried to tell him gently. "Back to work today."

"Nooooo," he whined, even as he began kicking the covers off. "Wanna stay here."

"Well, you can stay here by yourself, then." Hana wriggled out of his arms and found only a token amount of resistance. When her feet hit the floor she tugged down her nightgown, making sure everything important was covered up. "I have things to do today, too. Lots of unpacking, and building my nest."

Jungkook sat straight up at that statement. "Ooh, I'll get to see your nest after work. Okay, I can make it."

Originally, her plan was to cross the hall and get dressed before seeing the rest of the pack members. It was a vulnerable thing to wander the dorm and be seen in her pajamas and frizzy hair. Unfortunately statistics were against her, as it was difficult to make it through the apartment on a busy morning and encounter no one at all. She jumped at a cheerful greeting of "Morning, lovely!"

Hoseok was bright-eyed despite the early hour, but certainly not put together yet. He wore only sweatpants and a smile. "Sleep well?" he asked, then suddenly waggled his eyebrows. "Or did Koo keep you up all night?"

"I slept fine, thank you," she replied, eyes already on her bedroom door to make her escape. Before she could, though, Namjoon also emerged into the hall. Mercifully he wore a shirt, even if it was a thin one through which she could see the definition of his generous pectoral muscles.

"Morning," the leader mumbled, his deep voice carrying some extra gravel after sleep. "Lots to do today, let's go have breakfast."

"Yeah! Fuel up!" Hoseok agreed, and Hana found herself being herded towards the main living area. Neither of the alphas seemed to notice or care that she was in a just-woken-up state, perhaps because they were as well, and it turned out they were not the only ones. Two other members were already in the kitchen, and Seokjin greeted them all before turning back to the cabinet and pulling mugs out for the newcomers.

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