Chapter Thirty-Three

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As promised, a few days later Hana was able to see her sister again. The alphas had been funny about deciding who would come along. Hoseok and Taehyung were told they'd had their turn meeting Haneul, of course, and Jimin insisted Yoongi should be counted among that number too. "Come on, it was just a couple of phone calls, in an emergency no less," he argued.

"It's more than we've gotten!" Jimin insisted.

"You know, if we're not worried about Yoongi's shoulder then a wrestling match would be a good way to decide," Hoseok suggested with a bright yet mischievous smile. This made both arguing alphas pause and consider.

"I'll sit out if you're wrestling for it," Yoongi soon agreed. Jimin wanted one less competitor, sure, but before deciding he eyed his remaining opponents warily: Namjoon, already focusing for the fight with his jaw set; Seokjin, broad chest puffing out as he rolled his shoulders; and last, but certainly not least, Jungkook wearing a toothy grin, already bouncing on his toes in anticipation. Jimin huffed, but looked at Hana who was watching from the couch, knees curled up to her chest as her wide eyes looked on curiously. He agreed to the match.

Taehyung and Hoseok hurried to clear the coffee table from the rug and make sure the couch was pushed back as far as it would go before vacating entirely. Yoongi made sure Hana was a safe distance away from the action, watching from the kitchen where the others soon joined them. "They can get a little... enthusiastic," he said, gums flashing as he grinned. "Fun to watch, not so fun to get caught in."

Hana was already having fun watching. The alphas had their various strategies for gaining an edge- Jimin had his hair pulled out of his face, Seokjin had stripped down to a tank top, Jungkook had decided to forgo a shirt altogether saying it was fewer places for his opponents to grab. "Yeah, Namjoonie, take it off!" Hoseok cheered as their head alpha looked down at his own shirt thoughtfully. Taehyung whistled when he tugged it over his head, and Hana giggled behind her hands.

Namjoon gave them a bashful grin, all dimples, but that was a mistake on his part. There weren't really rules for these battles and apparently the alphas were willing to play a little dirty when they had to. Jimin went on the offensive as soon as he saw that the head alpha was distracted, and his first attack nearly worked, knocking the larger man off kilter. "Chim used to do martial arts when he was younger," Taehyung explained quietly when Hana seemed surprised. "Don't underestimate him."

Jungkook had chosen Jin as his first opponent, but didn't have surprise on his side. The eldest alpha had definitely expected this, dodging easily. The maknae's strength wasn't going to do much good if he couldn't catch his limber pack mate to use it, and after the third such evasion there was visible frustration where an eager grin had once been.

Namjoon fared better when he had his wits about him, planting his feet and grabbing Jimin's slim waist. Formal training aside, their head alpha had inarguable advantages in size and strength, and they showed when he was able to simply heft Jimin up off the floor, erasing whatever hopes that the smaller alpha had of using physics against him. "This doesn't mean you win!" Jimin insisted, struggling even as Namjoon casually flipped him over his shoulder.

"Submit," the head alpha growled. Jimin snapped and snarled a bit, only to yelp when Namjoon dropped to the floor and easily pinned him beneath his greater weight. "Do I win yet?" Namjoon asked, only to be answered with a growl. Smaller though he was, Jimin's alpha instincts were not going to be so easily subdued. Namjoon finally pinned an arm behind his pack mate's back, leaving his opponent whining. "You're done. You'll get hurt if we keep this up."

"Fine, lemme go!" Jimin pouted as he scrambled up from the floor and joined the spectators, draping himself over Taehyung. "I hate wrestling matches."

"You almost got him that time," Tae said as he patted his friend's head.

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