Chapter Five

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Hoseok was waiting just outside the bathroom door when Hana finished brushing her teeth that evening. It was obvious from his freshly scrubbed face and recently blow-dried hair that he had already taken his turn, but perhaps he had forgotten something. "I'm done, Hoseok-oppa," she told him, moving to get out of his way.

"Oh, don't worry, I was just making sure to say goodnight. And you should really call me Hobi, the whole pack does." He grinned at her, ever so slightly different than his usual megawatt smile. It was just as wide and tantalizingly heart-shaped thanks to his deep Cupid's bow, but his eyes were hooded. They roamed down her body, clad only in her nightgown. She had chosen one of her prettiest ones for Namjoon. Hoseok certainly seemed to appreciate the simple yellow satin with its white lace trim and straps. "You headed for your nest, baby?"

"Um, Namjoon-oppa asked me to come to his room tonight," she replied, hoping her cheeks were not growing too red. It was not embarrassing to be sharing a bed with one of her alphas, whether sleeping or sex was the goal. She still wasn't sure which tonight would be, though she had her hopes. No, there was another reason heat was flushing through her, most of it having to do with Hoseok's reaction to her plans for the night, not her own feelings.

His strawberry scent had grown thick, sweet, changing from a refreshing whiff of fresh-picked fruit to the rich aroma of homemade jam. Bearing that heavy perfume he leaned in, invading her personal space. His voice was as thick as that delicious scent. "Shame. I was looking forward to imagining you there tonight, curled up in the pretty nest that you built with the things that I bought for you. Would you get your legs all tangled up in those blankets trying to fall asleep alone? Would you imagine someone keeping you company in that great big nest? Maybe you would need to touch yourself a little to help you pretend." His nostrils flared and that heart shaped smile twitched into a smirk. There was no hiding the way those words were running straight to her core. Her amaretto was weaving through his strawberry jam, a sweet fruity cocktail that she was eager to drink. Deeply.

Without warning he pulled back, straightening his spine and putting his hands on his hips. Unlike this morning he wore a shirt; a shame, to miss out on his bare chest all puffed out and proud. "But no, you'll be in our Namjoonie's bed, and he won't give you a moment to think about anyone besides him. There goes Hobi's hope of being on your mind tonight. Oh well." His bright smile returned, optimism shining through. "There's always tomorrow." Hoseok blew her a kiss and bade her goodnight before turning for his room with a bounce in his step. Hana had to remain in the hall for a moment, trying her best to remember how to place one foot in front of the other and create a forward motion.

Luckily her dumbfounded feet did not have to carry her very far. Namjoon's room was on the same side of the hall as her own, and the one that Hoseok and Jimin shared, but it was at the far end beyond the bathroom that Hana shared with the roommates. Yoongi emerged from the room directly across just as she reached the head alpha's door. He paused and sniffed the air, dark eyes boring into her mercilessly for half a second until he noticed that her hand was on Namjoon's doorknob. Then he simply turned and resumed whatever mission had sent him out of his room in the first place. True privacy was rare in living conditions such as these, but respect went a long way towards making up for it.

Hana called quietly into the room after opening it just a crack. "Didn't I tell you not to knock?" a low voice said from the dark. She slipped inside, closing the door behind her and waiting there while her eyes adjusted.

"I didn't knock, alpha," she pouted. "But I didn't want to startle you." Her bare feet made no sound on the floor as she started across the room towards the place she had last heard him. She bumped into the bed before she expected it, but it was soft, so her knee was spared.

Hands reached out and pulled her into the bed gently, guiding her over soft sheets and around plush pillows. "When I have already invited you in, you don't knock or ask permission," Namjoon scolded her. "I want you to act like you belong here."

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