Chapter Eighteen

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"Normal" is a subjective state. This held especially true for an internationally famous alpha band and their hired house omega. However, the next few days were in fact normal, by their standards. The band got back to work, and Hana worked on the apartment.

The desire to fix her nest had been just a start, apparently. First she had worked on the kitchen. It was fairly well organized, all things considered, but it had a few flaws. Chief among them was perhaps that Hana could not reach many of the items that she wanted to use without some undignified climbing on the counters. This was something that she would have to endure at times, by virtue of her size, but she refused to do so on a daily basis. The only hiccup had been Seokjin's reaction when he came home before she was finished and discovered all of the open cabinets and piles of pans on the counters. His distressed scent was heavy on the cinnamon with strong currents of anise, all smelling like spice-toasting gone wrong. Thank goodness the eldest alpha of the pack was so easygoing most of the time, as that scent was something to contend with. He was easily soothed when Hana explained herself, though, and he even helped her put away the items that she rarely used on the highest shelves. When the counter was clear he had lifted her up and they made out until she was late cooking dinner. But of course he helped with that, too.

The living room was next. She had been struggling to find a replacement that she liked for the blanket that had introduced the pack's scents to her nest. It certainly was not going to come out of there anytime soon. Finally she broke down and asked Hoseok what store he had purchased the nesting materials from, determined to get an identical one, but as she feared he wheedled her until she confessed her purpose. She still didn't know where the store was, after, but an entire pile of packages arrived at the dorm the next day. "Wasn't me this time, I let someone else have a turn," Hobi laughed when she attempted to scold him. The culprit didn't come forward, but there were an awful lot of giggles when she pointed to Yoongi and insisted that it had to be him because he was the only one who wouldn't be bragging about it. Either way, there were now several new cushions and blankets taking up permanent residence on the sectional sofa. It looked very much like it had when she drug out her nesting materials to share.

Then she called up Eunae and Eunji. Their expertise might be in shopping for clothes, but she thought they might steer her in the right direction for something else she needed, and not only could they tell her the right neighborhood but they offered to drive her there too. She came home with several shopping bags and when Taehyung tried to be nosy, she denied him, no matter how he pouted. She was even willing to play dirty and trap him on the couch with kisses until he stopped asking. The mystery bags were stashed inside her closet to wait until the alphas were away. Only she knew what they were for. Well, the twins did as well, but when Jimin was coerced into sending them a message they were squarely on Hana's side and gave up nothing.

After that she pulled Jungkook into the living room one night when he arrived home. "Teach me the media center?" she asked shyly, ashamed to admit that she had not figured it out completely. She could operate the cable for news, a couple of streaming services for her dramas or music videos, and the FM radio, but even those caused her some stumbles and the rest were totally puzzling. There were all kinds of functions to the setup that were beyond her. While the alpha did tease her a little for her technical ineptitude at first, he pulled her into his lap and then patiently explained everything the system could do. Soon Hana was able to work the DVD player and the music streaming service, and turn on the gaming system even though she doubted she would ever use it. That extra bit of competence made her feel a little better, and she made sure to thank Jungkook well.

She stayed up late that same night until Namjoon made it home. Everyone's schedules had been hectic after being away from the studio for so long, but as usual the leader was working especially hard. He was pleasantly surprised to see her and joined her on the couch when she beckoned for him. Plenty of enthusiastic kisses were exchanged, but she eventually had to interrupt. "Joonie, I need to ask you a favor."

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