Chapter Forty

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An alarm woke Hana, but she tried to burrow under the covers again. It had sounded fun to wake up early and venture into the city for shopping, but now she could only think of how pleasant it was here in this big, soft bed that smelled like strawberry and vanilla.

She was not the only one having that thought. Hoseok rolled over to turn the alarm off, but Jimin shimmied deeper under the blankets with her. "Up, up, the day is waiting!" Hobi said cheerfully as he dove back in to rouse them, already laughing even before they began to playfully fight back.

"Go 'way," Jimin grumbled, swatting at the other alpha with one hand even as he pulled Hana close for cuddles. She indulged the game by curling up as small as she could, avoiding Hoseok's dancing fingers. His gentle coaxing tickled, though, and her giggles only encouraged him.

"Come on, baby, get up so Hobi can take you shopping," he purred, running his hands up her back. "Be a good girl."

"Maybe you should be good, hyung," Jimin retorted in a heavy drawl, and Hana felt the rumble in his chest, then the way Hoseok's touch faltered at the sound of it. "You're already getting all bossy and alpha and it will only get worse when you take her out, won't it? I've been thinking, and have you ever let Hana see you any other way? Does she even know your safe word?" He grabbed the older alpha's arm, pulling him flush against Hana's back so that she was pinned between the two. Her breath sounded loud in the small space; no one could have missed that she was responding fast to this tease. Jimin leaned in close to murmur in her ear. "Want me to make him show you another side before you leave?"

"We already have a car scheduled," Hoseok whined, but the way he squirmed against Hana's back was not the motion of a man who wanted to leave. The delicate perfume of their combined scents was growing thick and heavy, strawberry jam shot through with amaretto, sweet and almost spicy tonka bean hiding beneath.

"You know what to say if you want me to stop," Jimin said. He certainly showed no signs of doing so on his own. It was his turn to trail heated fingers over Hoseok's bare skin, arms and ribs and lovely shoulders, and as if he worried Hana might try to escape he pinned her with one strong leg. She had no intent of fighting him; it was still a lovely opportunity to admire the way his muscled thigh felt beneath her palm, the thin fabric of his lounge pants hiding nothing.

Responsive though he was, it seemed Hoseok harbored some kind of hesitation. His lips ghosted over the nape of Hana's neck where her braid had fallen aside. "You sure you wanna see that, baby?" he asked anxiously. "You like it when I'm alpha for you."

Jimin did not stop her when she rolled over to face him. This was not a moment to assert his force. Hana cupped Hoseok's cheeks gently, making sure he was paying attention to her. "Do you like letting another alpha dominate, oppa?"

"I mean, sometimes." His eyes darted away from her tellingly.

"Do you want it now?" Hana tried not to frown when Hobi whined instead of answering, but someone else was less patient.

"Words, hyung, or we stop," Jimin commanded. "And the more you dawdle the more you risk being late for that car you scheduled."

Hoseok swallowed nervously as he looked at Hana's expectant expression. "Yeah, want it now."

"Then I want to see it," she told him confidently. "I want to see every side of you. What's your safe word, alpha?"

"It's strawberry," he chuckled, smoothing back some wayward hair before he kissed her forehead.

"Not that he needs it very often," Jimin said. His breath was warm on Hana's cheek since he had melded himself right back into her once he was sure they were going forward. "Hyung can take a lot."

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