Chapter Forty-Three

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Hana bounced lightly on the balls of her feet as she waited outside Taehyung's door. She was already tired of some aspects of hotel life and these locked doors were one of the worst. She missed climbing into her alphas' beds for cuddles without having to disturb them. Sure she had Jungkook next door, and in the swapping of spare keys she had ended up with Jimin's, but the other five were harder to reach.

Tae opened the door and blinked groggily from beneath his tousled dark curls, but of course he welcomed her inside without hesitation. The moment he shut the door behind her she was pulled in for a caramel flavored kiss, a soft hum resonating through her as the sleepy alpha expressed his satisfaction. "Morning, beautiful. Need something?"

"Mm-hmm! Something very important." Taehyung had an inquisitive expression until Hana patted her shoulder. He broke out into a smile as soon as he realized what she had come to show off. "No more bandage. Your bite is healing very well. Isn't it pretty?" There were still a few small scabs, but some had already fallen away to reveal the scar beneath.

Her alpha kissed it softly, all the way around. "Beautiful," he declared. "I bet my bandage can come off, too. Want to help me out?" Hana nodded eagerly and followed him into the bathroom. There she gently removed the medical tape and helped him clean away the sticky residue left behind. The bite underneath did look good, even fewer scabs left behind than hers, probably because it was smaller.

Having both of their marks on display must have triggered something to do with the mating bond. Or maybe that was just an excuse for the overwhelming surge of love that Hana felt swelling in her chest and found reciprocated as Taehyung picked her up and carried her to the bed. He was not rough or hasty the way he could be before sex. Instead he laid himself down tenderly and pulled her in with equal care. "Is today finally when I can keep you in bed all day?" he sighed contentedly between languid kisses. "I don't even want to fuck you right now. I just want to take off our clothes and fill you up with my cock while I hold you, so that we're as close as we can possibly be."

"That sounds nice," she agreed. Once, she had been afraid she would drown in this alpha. Now she had no fear. She would dearly love to drift in his caramel ocean with nowhere else they needed to be.

That fantasy was short-lived, though. A knock sounded at the door, and despite Taehyung sullenly calling out for them to go away, it still swung open. "I told you we'd find her here," said Jungkook, who had the key. Hoseok trailed behind him with something in hand, obviously looking for Hana.

"Your dress is here!" Hobi announced, holding up what she now recognized as a garment bag. "Let's make sure it fits!"

"Is that really worth barging into my room for?" Taehyung growled, slinging his leg over Hana as he stubbornly refused to let her up from the bed. "We were having a nice time."

"But we got the reservation!" Jungkook said as he jumped into the bed with them. "Noona has to have time to get another dress if this one doesn't fit."

"We actually got it?" Hana worked hard to wiggle her way out from between the alphas, now, but they didn't hold on too tight. Everyone was excited about the pack date. They had been warned by staff not to set their hearts on their first choice restaurant, though; with such a large group, it could be hard to obtain a last minute spot, even for global superstars BTS.

The place was so upscale that it had a dress code. At first Hana was worried about that, until Hoseok reminded her of the dress that he had purchased for her. Of course they had to hope that the tailor had altered it correctly the first time, but her final fears melted away as Hobi pulled the zipper up and she felt the garment hugging her like a second skin. "It feels great," she declared, and when she saw all three alphas watching she gave a playful twirl. "Does it look good too?"

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