Chapter Forty-Six

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Hana had not expected to get homesick on this trip.

Why would she? Her pack was home to her, and they were here. They were outgrowing the dorm and actively looking for a new place. Even her nest there was inadequate now; Yoongi had been sharing architecture and interior design blogs, and she and Taehyung were constantly dreaming of a big pack nest. The one they had built for her heat had been only practice.

But there were other things to miss besides a physical location. Hana had friends, now, for the first time in a while. Daehyun kept sending her selfies wearing the slouchy beanie she had made. (She had felt doubtful of her success when it was finished, but he made it look so stylish.) The Lee twins were dying to get their hands on her new wardrobe, and already making plans catch up on all of their gossiping during a holiday shopping spree. It was a bittersweet feeling to have them send photos of a seasonal café menu. She was so happy to have something to be excited for, and slightly sad about having to wait.

Her restlessness was at least in part due to boredom. Not her own, necessarily, since she could spend many an hour with a crochet project and a drama series, or diving into a book. It was her alphas who had a hard time knowing what to do with themselves in the gap between concerts. Too tired to play tourist, but past the point of sleeping all day, some of them were feeling like caged animals by mid-week.

Hana had taken herself to the room of one of the only alphas who was actually content. Seokjin was happy to play video games all day and not at all bothered when the omega asked to watch him while she crocheted. She was nearly done with the soft, warm shawl, which she was looking forward to wearing. Once she had all seven of her bites, it would be a warm layer that could still show them off, unlike some of her sweaters.

It was also the first thing she had made for herself in a while. She had owned the yarn for a long time, but kept putting off the project. There was always something else that felt more important, someone else to put above herself. It was so healing to be taking care of herself, one stitch at a time. Doing so while Seokjin intermittently yelled about falling off of obstacles or getting hit by enemies was just fun.

There was a knock at the door, and Hana took it upon herself to check it so that Jin could keep playing. "It's Taehyungie-oppa," she announced, then opened the door quickly.

A broad grin spread across his face at the sight of her. "Ah, you're here too!" he said, folding her up into his arms and nuzzling into her hair the moment he swung the door shut behind him. "I'm so bored, beautiful. Play with me."

"By 'bored' do you mean horny?" she laughed, because his scent told her the truth. It was heavy and sickly sweet, and oh so tempting. She was surrounded by it, drowning in it. Delicious.

But she could not dive into him here and now, and a meaningful cough reminded them so. "Excuse you, this is my room," Seokjin said. "You can't just barge in and seduce her away when we were having a nice time together. Go play with the other pups."

"Chim and Kookie went to work out," Taehyung whined. He trailed a hand possessively up Hana's back, pressing her body close to his. "Besides, finding our pretty omega here is a nice bonus, but I was looking for you, hyung."

"For me?" Jin raised an eyebrow at that. "Why me?"

The younger alpha's lip protruded, and his eyes began to shine as if filling with tears already. "Because, hyung, I got one little taste on date night, and nothing since. Not that I blame you, when you had more important things on your mind." Taehyung trailed his fingers over Hana's collarbones meaningfully. "But I want more."

"Aw, Taehyungie. You've been so patient, haven't you?" Hana cooed, combing her fingers through his hair. He leaned into her touch with an appreciative purr. The soft noises, the way his neck was stretched and bared, the way his hold on her grew more slack– she knew he was feeling submissive in his neediness. So she glanced at Seokjin, batting her eyelashes at him. "Please, Jinnie-oppa, can we take care of this good boy?"

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