Chapter Seven

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It was early in the morning when the slight creak of the bedroom door roused Hana from her sleep. She could tell because there was a pale blush of light outside the window, but it was still too dark to see anything. She then heard a familiar voice. "Taehyung?" Jungkook paused and sniffed the air. "Oh, is noona here too?"

"Did you need a cuddle, Jungkookie?" Taehyung yawned, curling tighter around Hana's body where he had previously relaxed in his sleep. "You awake, beautiful? Do you mind if he gets in with us?"

"Sure, it's fine," she agreed through a yawn, and they shifted over to make room for a third. Jungkook happily dove right in, and soon they all had figured out where their many limbs could fit. The effort woke Hana up just a little bit, and she had to satisfy her curiosity about something before she could rest again. "Do you invade Taehyung's bed very often, Kookie?" she asked as she nuzzled into his chest, inhaling fresh pomegranate thanks to his contentment.

"Sometimes it's the other hyungs," he answered, chuckling at himself. "But Tae's right next door and he's super snuggly."

"He is a good cuddler," Hana agreed, feeling the alpha in question lay a soft kiss on the back of her neck as thanks for the compliment. She wouldn't say aloud that this was even better, though. Taehyung was about as good as it got with just one partner, but even he could not match the safety and security she felt with a strong alpha lying on either side of her. She easily fell back into a restful, drowsy fugue until the alarm went off. The sun was not fully up, but Hana rose with them anyway, no appeal in the idea of staying in an empty bed.

The members had staggered schedules that day, so a few were missing even after Hana finished her first cup of coffee, taking advantage of the rare chance to get a little extra sleep. Notably, Hoseok was among the absent, and Hana found herself checking the calendar to see when he would be up. Namjoon was the one who caught her in the act, and of course he already suspected what she had been looking around the kitchen for all morning. "We stayed out late enough that I canceled our planning session this morning, so Hobi will probably be in bed for a while. But if I had to guess, based on how mad he was yesterday, he wouldn't mind if you joined him in a little while."

"I still smell like Taehyung-oppa," she said doubtfully, then sniffed herself again when she lowered her head. "And Jungkookie."

"Yeah? And you're going to smell like me soon because there's no way I'm leaving until I scent you again. But we're pack, you're supposed to smell like all of us." As if to prove his point he leaned in and breathed deeply of the smells clinging to her hair after her morning cuddles with the pack's youngest members. It made him smile, and she could not stay anxious when he showed off his dimples that way.

"I'm still trying to get used to that," she admitted. "It makes sense to me that this house omega idea wouldn't work if you couldn't share, but I'm so used to alphas being jealous and overprotective. My Appa hated other alpha's scents so much that he kicked my siblings out as soon as they were old enough."

"He what?" Namjoon's smile fell away. Hana frowned a little- was it that strange? "I... hmm." The leader seemed at a loss for words. "Well, I promise you that none of the members are like your father."

"What about her father?" Jungkook asked a little sharply as he entered the kitchen with still-damp hair.

"Nothing, Kookie," she replied in a hurry. "We were just chatting. I'm going to go see Hobi-oppa, I think, goodbye!" There was a tightness in Hana's chest as she scurried away, passing Jungkook without looking him in the eye.

Namjoon's jaw tensed as he watched her leave. "Jungkook, do I need to know more about Hana's family?"

"I don't know what I can tell you that Manager Jo didn't," he sighed, also glancing in the direction she had gone. "They're not good people. But it's been a really long time, and I was just a neighbor kid. I didn't even understand until I was older why my parents always wanted to invite her and her siblings to our house but didn't like letting my brother and I go to their place."

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