Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Yeah great guys, but I wanted to tell her," Jimin whined. The band all had the day off to prepare for the arrival of Byeong Miyoung, but she would not be there until the afternoon. For now, everyone was enjoying a leisurely breakfast. It had not taken long for the topic of discussion to turn to Hana's newfound knowledge. After all, she still smelled like spice and tangerine, so there was no sense hiding what had happened with the roommates. "I wanted to see the look on her face."

"You would have been disappointed." Yoongi wore a gummy smile, rare for him this early in the morning, but he seemed amused by the whole situation. "She wasn't surprised, like, at all."

"I don't know why you all think it's such a secret," Hana shrugged. She then had to fix the neck of Seokjin's t-shirt that kept sliding over her shoulder. She was swimming in it but the minor annoyances were worth how much the sight of her wearing his clothes seemed to please him. "Jimin-oppa has basically told me. Repeatedly."

"When?" Jimin asked indignantly. Hana had to take a moment to decide of he was serious. Did he really not remember all of his teases?

Someone else clearly did. "You did mention sucking dick," Seokjin pointed out with eyebrows raised. "You're not that subtle."

"Whatever." Jimin slouched back in his chair, throwing up one leg to prop his ankle on the opposing knee. It was a very alpha way of attempting to look unconcerned. "I could have meant male omegas. Not that it's different, really, a dick is a dick. I don't care what subgender it's attached to."

"He calls it equal opportunity fucking," Hoseok giggled. "What was the word you used, Joon?"

"Pansexual," the leader replied, sipping at his coffee. "Attraction to any or all genders and subgenders. But Jimin doesn't have to use that label if he doesn't want to."

"Who cares about labels when you can't come out?" Taehyung shrugged, leaning over onto Jimin's shoulder. "We have to keep up the idol image after all. Anything like that stays in the pack, and we understand it whether we put a name on it or not."

"We've been living together ten years, of course we understand each other," Hoseok agreed. "That's more time than some people spend dating before they mate or get married!"

"We can't get married, none of us would know who should propose," Yoongi deadpanned, causing a few giggles to spread around the room.

One pack member had yet to contribute anything to the discussion, despite Hana being immensely curious about his feelings. But she merely reached out and stroked Jungkook's thigh under the table while he continued to eat silently. He would speak up in his own time, and had she not already known that, she would have been reassured when his hand found hers. Their fingers laced together and rested on his leg while everyone discussed the chores that needed doing before Miyoung could move in. They had just a few short hours left.


The apartment was spotless. Jimin's bed had been stripped down and the de-scenting spray was nearly dried. Hana had condensed her clothing to half of the closet (not that it was difficult, she had very little compared to the generous space). Jungkook had texted that they were leaving the storage unit; most of Miyoung's belongings would stay there until she was fully contracted, just to avoid the hassle of doing two full moves. Soon their eight would become nine. "Does it feel crowded here when you have more than one omega?" Hana asked without looking up from her cutting board.

"Sometimes it feels crowded here with one omega," Yoongi shrugged as he continued digging through the fridge for ingredients. "Or none."

"I think what hyung means is that it depends on the omegas," Hoseok translated, shaking his head while he washed the rice as if Yoongi's answer amused him. "If the seven of us aren't getting along it feels crowded here, but when we're happy to be in the same space then this is enough. If we have just one omega and they aren't a good fit, then the same thing happens. But I admit, probably the worst is when we have two omegas that aren't getting along." His giggle was just a little bit tense. "The way you omegas fight is weird. You're really indirect and it gets under everyone's skin even before we're sure you're arguing."

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