Chapter Eleven

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"I'm going to go gray from this pack," Namjoon announced. "Jimin, what the fuck."

"She's sweet and Tae's convincing," he replied with a shrug, still eating his breakfast. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

"I wanted some peace and I got whiplash," the leader sighed. "Hana. I feel bad about the whole scene this morning, now."

"It's fine, Namjoon-oppa, you were just doing your job," she said, offering him a reassuring smile. "We worked things out afterwards."

"Obviously," Seokjin laughed, holding up another bite which she took from him delicately. Hana had not been allowed to feed herself after she dressed and made her way to the kitchen. To say there was a fuss over the fact that she had very clearly had sex with Jimin would have been an understatement. The pack had utterly exploded in confusion, and in joy, the moment they caught a whiff of her. Jungkook had trapped her on his lap, and she didn't think his nose had ever been more than a couple of inches from her skin since that moment. He had declared that she smelled delicious, and the cocktail made up of her scent and Jimin's might have had him almost drugged, going by facial expression alone.

Seokjin had made it his mission to feed her since she wasn't allowed to get up, and at first she thought he simply meant to make a plate for her, but he had been hand-feeding her ever since. The only thing she was allowed to do for herself was drink her coffee, but Yoongi had even brought that to the table instead of her needing to get up. Hoseok was sitting next to the chair where Jungkook held her, drinking his own coffee after finishing his food, and every so often he reached over and squeezed her knee or her thigh just to check in.

"So, party," Taehyung said, and Hana blinked. It was her first time hearing anything about a party, but the rest of the pack seemed to know at least a little bit. "Because we definitely have to celebrate, now."

"Your first week," Yoongi explained when he noticed her confused expression. "Apparently that passed while we were secluded."

"Secluded," Jimin giggled. "Okay grandpa."

"Some of us have manners," the elder alpha replied, unflustered. "Anyway, as I was saying before our resident brat interrupted, you've been with the pack a week. Well, a little more. So we'll have a party."

"With cake!" Hoseok added brightly, holding up his phone. He already had a menu open for a very exclusive bakery, and Hana tried not to choke on her coffee when she saw the prices. "They have tiramisu that you said you liked, but I thought we should get a couple of choices. What else do you want?"

"I'm going to order groceries after breakfast, let's choose the menu together," Seokjin said, holding up another bite.

"What are we doing besides eating? Movies? Card games?" Taehyung leaned forward with his chin propped on his hands, awaiting an answer.

"Calm down, everyone, one thing at a time," Namjoon said, shaking his head a little at the chaos. "The bakery will run out if we don't place an order soon, so let's start with cake."

Hobi scooted closer and showed Hana the menu, reading a few options out loud in case anyone else had opinions. "What's tonka bean?" he mused, squinting as if to make sure he had read the listing correctly on a delicate looking sponge cake.

Hana snapped her fingers and pointed to Jimin. "That's what it is!" she exclaimed, and he looked startled to be addressed. She wasn't really speaking to him, though, just in general, and continued on despite his confusion. "That's what Jimin smells like during sex."

"Wait, what?" Taehyung barked a laugh. "He still smells like vanilla. Just... weird vanilla."

"Yeah, tonka bean is like vanilla but more kind of nutty, fruity, almost spicy?" Hana frowned as she pondered it. "I had a coworker who was obsessed with this fancy ice cream shop that made a tonka bean flavor. That's where she used to take me to thank me when I covered shifts for her, and I had it a couple of times. I knew I recognized the smell but I couldn't remember the name."

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