Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Put me down, Jungkookie," Hana scolded her alpha. Normally she didn't mind the way he liked to simply pick her up and do as he pleased. In fact, it often ended up rather fun. But it was early in the morning, he had separated her from her coffee, and she knew they weren't going to have sex because they both had to leave soon. All in all it seemed like a waste of time.

He tried to soothe her by giving her a kiss as he set her on the kitchen counter. They could more easily look each other in the eye this way, and he had a serious expression in his. "I need you to promise me that you aren't going to your parents' house."

That explained his distress. She had been chatting with Seokjin about all of the places she had to go in the company building that day, and she had wondered if she should meet with Ms. Jo about the days of leave she was due. "Didn't I already tell you I wouldn't yet?" she sighed. "But I need to, eventually. There are still things of mine there that I don't want to leave behind forever. And it would be nice to stop paying rent for using their space, too."

Jungkook blinked. "They're charging you rent?"

"Have been since I graduated," she shrugged.

"But you're not even living there right now," Taehyung pointed out, apparently having been listening in. "Is that why you said you can't afford new clothes? How much are they even charging you for using a closet?"

"Hey, don't be rude," Seokjin snapped at the younger alpha. "That kind of thing is not our business."

"Isn't it, a little bit?" Jimin asked with eyebrows raised. "If our omega is being taken advantage of–"

"I'm handling it," Hana cut in. She could practically feel the agitation in the air. "This is not a pack matter, my financial arrangements with my parents have existed since before I came here." She said it with confidence, hoping to cut the conversation off before they got too deep. She was aware that they wouldn't like some of those arrangements and she would prefer they didn't find out. "But Kookie, do you understand why I need to go?"

"I understand that I like your parents even less than I thought," Jungkook snorted. He raised no further protest, but he also did not let her go. Hana knew he needed the security of her presence for a while. Seokjin helpfully handed over her coffee cup so that she could finish the contents while still providing the youngest alpha with the comfort he wanted.

She was still seated on the counter this way when the rest of the pack entered the kitchen. The rap line was headed out first, but of course they couldn't leave without proper goodbyes. "Am I going to recognize you all when you get home?" she teased Hoseok after Jungkook moved aside to let him approach. They were all getting their hair done that day, and his in particular was probably due for a big change. Today he had covered the dark roots with a familiar black-and-purple checked beanie, and she tried not to preen at the sight of it.

"Hmm, you can always check my arm if you're not sure," he needled her right back, grinning at the pink flush of her cheeks. Hobi had taken every opportunity to flaunt the teeth marks she had left during his rut. He loved it, but she was still embarrassed even as she scented him. Only his gentle goodbye kiss made her feel better.

Yoongi didn't have much to say until after her scent was painted up his neck. "Don't forget to let us know how your appointments go," he reminded her.

"I'll be there too, hyung. We'll let everyone know," Taehyung assured him. The whole pack was eager to find out if anything had changed regarding her health. Everyone had become so convinced that she would go into heat based on the assertions of that second doctor, to the point that they had allowed Miyoung into their home. They had no idea what to expect after that assumption had been thrown out. Being reminded that Hana wouldn't be alone seemed to satisfy Yoongi, and he kissed her quickly before making way for their very patient leader.

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