Chapter Forty-Seven

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The plan had always been for Hana to stay at the hotel for the last couple of concert nights. It had made sense to when they originally agreed upon it; her anxiety was not well-managed and she was not even sure how much she would enjoy it. But things had changed since they planned this trip. She had two successful performances under her belt, a newfound claim to fandom, and even a familiarity with most of the staff. Attending another concert was not just possible, now, it was desirable and exciting.

She had her ARMY bomb in hand when she went to ask her alphas the night before the next performance. Not that she needed their permission, only a little assistance arranging the transport. She found two of them who could help her in Seokjin's room, and the eldest member smiled as she waved her light stick cutely. But to her surprise, Namjoon appeared to balk at her request. "Can I not?" she asked, deflating as she wondered if she had waited too late with her request.

Seokjin burst out laughing, a confusing response to her dejection. "I told you this would happen!" he crowed, slapping his knee. "You can't avoid it forever!"

Namjoon glared at his hyung for the unhelpful outburst. "You can, it's just, um, we might have to do something first if you are." Hana urged him to explain. This kind of awkward behavior was unlike the head alpha, and it worried her. "So... my parents are coming. They'll be in the same box, and I should probably introduce you before then."

"What?! Your parents are coming, and you didn't tell me?" Her anxiety was quickly overwhelmed by indignation. The passing thought that he was ashamed of her fizzled rapidly because she had his mark now, and he, hers. He could never deny or hide her now. She had a right– no, a responsibility– to meet his parents if the opportunity was there. "Kim Namjoon, that is terrible!"

He flinched, rightfully scolded, and Seokjin leaned back as he settled in to watch the show. "I just didn't want to pressure you!" Namjoon said, a feeble attempt that only earned him the omega's disapproving stare. "I mean, they only decided earlier this week, so I didn't have time to rearrange the schedule for a proper introduction. I'll barely be able to spend time with you all, and that isn't how I wanted you to meet my parents for the first time. I thought maybe it was just better to let this visit pass you by and arrange something more formal when we got home."

It was closer to the truth, if not the whole thing. But Hana understood him well enough to fill in the gaps. He had probably been imagining how he would introduce her to his family for quite some time, because that was the type of alpha he was. Namjoon would have wanted better. But they did not have a choice. "Joonie," she began, letting her voice soften only slightly. "I am your mate, aren't I?" She allowed a pause just long enough to watch his eyes go wide, but interrupted the words that had to be hanging on his lips. "That means your family is my family now. I have a duty to meet them so I can start being a good daughter. Please don't keep me from it."

"That's not what I–!" he spluttered, looking to his pack mate for support, then sighed when Seokjin merely raised an eyebrow. "You're right, little omega. I planned to pick them up at the airport in the morning and get a meal together before I have to prepare for the concert. Would you please join us?"

"And I'll make sure to arrange her transport to the stadium that evening, so that you only have to worry about your parents," Jin added. "You'd better go send your mother a message letting her know that she gets to meet our mate when she lands. She won't forgive you easily if you surprise her with something that big." Namjoon nodded, ducking his head a little in a very rare display of submission before he headed to his own room.

Seokjin beckoned Hana over and pulled her into his lap. "You have impeccable timing, do you know that?" he asked with a chuckle. "I was just trying to convince him to introduce you to his parents in the morning. It was so much more effective coming from you."

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