Chapter Nineteen

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Waking up with Jungkook was different now. Good different; Hana could not complain about being woken by playful kisses on the back of her neck, and she thoroughly enjoyed herself when a tattooed arm snaked around her waist and started groping under her skirt. First he slipped a hand inside her panties and teased her clit until it woke up to play, too. "How many times do you think I can make you cum before the alarm goes off?" he chuckled in her ear past all of her mewling. "At least twice. Maybe three times?"

"Koo- ah!" She couldn't even get the space to answer him as he kept up his pursuit, and her orgasm had her twisting in his arms, every nerve on fire for him. He held her tighter through it, and she could feel the hard lines of his muscled body pressing into her back. The moment she stilled, his fingers went to work again, flicking the now-swollen little bud that caused her to whimper deliciously. "N-no, Jungkookie," she begged, and he slowed to listen but did not remove his fingers from between her sodden folds. "Wanna fuck," she said as she ground her ass against the rock hard cock pressing into it, constrained only by a thin pair of boxers. He had not bothered with the rest of his clothes after the previous night.

"What, you need my dick, noona?" he teased her, rubbing her clit once again. "Are my fingers not good enough for you? You seem to like this just fine."

"Please," she whimpered, clutching her legs together as if she had any hope of blocking him. But he was a stubborn man and kept at it, knowing that if she really wanted him to stop she had a word for that. A second climax soon hit her and she squirmed while her back arched and her toes curled.

Jungkook must have had enough of teasing her, then, because he finally pulled his hand away and yanked her underwear down over her hips, grunting when he struggled a little to get them past her calves. His own were discarded much more quickly with a practiced kick. Still pressed against her back, he slid the head of his cock through her slick-soaked folds and brushed it against her abused clit to coax one more pleading whine from her lips before he sheathed himself within her. "Fuck," he muttered when he slipped in even faster than expected. She was so wet, and as his hips bucked he sighed in bliss. It didn't take long for him to start breathing hard, growling through gritted teeth as he pumped her from behind, palms full of her soft little breasts as if he were using them for leverage. "You gonna cum again on my knot?"

"Dunno," she admitted. Two orgasms in quick succession already had her a little overstimulated and a third might be pushing it. "But don't stop," she clarified. It still felt wonderful to be filled by him, to clench her walls tight just to hear his groaning in her ear.

She didn't need another orgasm, but she ended up getting one. When he felt himself nearing his climax Jungkook rolled her nipples between his fingers and drew her earlobe between his lips, as if he wanted to tease her at any point he could reach. It hit her like a crashing wave, sudden and unexpected, taking her breath away. He gasped and moaned his own release soon after, burying himself as deep within her as he could until his knot locked him in place. "Told you I could do three," he murmured in her ear.

"I believed you," she sighed happily, arching her neck back so that she could try to see him from the corner of her eye. He kissed her cheek before wrapping her up tighter in his arms, cuddling until his knot finally went down.

Then they had to hurry, because he had secretly turned off the alarm to make sure he reached his goal.


"Okay, make sure you hold your alpha's hand now," the doctor said as he prepared the needle for Hana's blood draw. It was a new one this time: another beta, slightly more brusque than the first doctor she had met, but efficient in poring over her medical records to get to the point of the visit at least. She was going to look forward to this experience even less if she had to rotate through doctors this way.

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