Chapter Twenty-One

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Morning dawned, and Hana found herself in Jungkook's bed. Her recollection of getting there was fuzzy, but it was not a surprise. Parting him from her after the previous day's events would have been nearly impossible. Not that she would have been amenable to the idea, either- even after a night's rest she just wanted to curl up into his chest and breathe in his pomegranate scent until she forgot every single worry she had. She did so, and was caught off guard when she was also greeted by a soft cocoa aroma. A little wiggling around confirmed that her nose was not deceiving her. Namjoon was taking up the other side of the bed, his presence not immediately obvious since he didn't gravitate towards warmth and heap himself into a cuddly pile like some of the alphas would have. Hana had a vague memory of late night murmurs, Do you mind? answered by Of course not hyung, and large, warm hands stroking her hair until she fell back into a deeper state of sleep.

Her shifting must have woken Jungkook. When he sleepily spoke her name she rolled back to him, and he greeted her with an affectionate little nose rub followed up by a long, unhurried kiss. His tongue met hers like a soft embrace, and when she hummed happily he drank it up without stopping. Then another hand was on her waist, lips and gentle teeth on the shell of her ear, chocolate mingling into the almond and pomegranate that perfumed the air. Namjoon saw no need to interrupt, just joining in their sleepy morning affection knowing he was always welcome.

"How do you feel this morning, noona?" Jungkook finally asked, still laying nose-to-nose with her as if he couldn't bear any distance. Namjoon's cheek rested on her hair as he, too, listened closely for her answer.

"Much better," she assured them both. Even as she said it, though, a nagging feeling rolled over in her stomach. "But I am a little nervous about the meetings I have to have today."

"Don't be," Namjoon replied, a little extra texture in his deep morning voice. "We made them promise that you're not in trouble for anything that happened yesterday."

"Jin-hyung wouldn't leave until they did," Jungkook chuckled, apparently amused by the memory.

"Thank you. I appreciate you looking out for me, truly." Hana reached up and touched Namjoon's cheek, and bumped Jungkook's nose with her own. "But that's not all that I'm nervous about. I have to talk about this with Dr. Song all over again. What if I can't handle it, and I go down again?"

Namjoon dropped a soft kiss onto her hair. "That's not likely. Yesterday you had a shock because you heard about it for the first time. Today you're ready for it. You can do it, little omega."

"And if you do have trouble, we'll come get you," Jungkook added. "Do you need someone to come with you?"

"No, thank you. I've interrupted enough of your work already," she replied firmly. "Please work hard and try not to worry about me. You won't be far away if anything happens."

Namjoon gently turned her over so that she was facing him. It was Jungkook's turn to nuzzle into her neck while his hyung claimed her lips. As always, he kissed her like he was suffocating and she was his oxygen. Her lips felt empty when he was done, but at least it was for a good reason. "I'll be very close during your appointment," Namjoon promised, punctuating it with another quick peck. "I'm seeing the alpha counselor at the same time."

"All the tension just dropped out of your shoulders, noona," Jungkook teased her, reaching up to knead the muscles with gentle hands. "You're relieved. If you really wanted someone to be there, why say no?"

"I..." Hana squirmed, ducking her face to hide it from the alphas. "I don't know."

They did not press her on it further. The only pressure they gave her was from their warm bodies as they folded her up between them, safe and secure until they had to crawl out of their little haven and face the day.

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