Chapter Forty-One

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The hotel was chaotic the next morning. The band had a full schedule, and managers and stylists swarmed the hall that the pack would usually have to themselves. Hana could do nothing to help besides stay out of the way. That was probably for the best, anyway; the shouting back and forth and sounds of many unfamiliar footsteps had her on edge more than she wanted her alphas to see.

Dr. Choi dropped by for a timely visit with a prescription bottle in hand. There was still doubt in Hana's mind as the doctor translated some of the warnings, written in English, but she swallowed the pill gratefully anyway. The alphas had been excitedly talking about her "first" time watching them prepare to work up close, and she knew that she wanted there to be many more. If something could help her survive this morning she would accept. "I'll be able to monitor you today since they don't need me backstage at this venue," Dr. Choi said as Hana put the bottle away. "But if you don't have any extreme reactions on the first day, you'll be able to go about your business as usual."

A soft knock announced the arrival Hana had been waiting for, but she did not have to answer it. Taehyung used the spare key to open it at her call. "Almost time to go," he announced, and Dr. Choi excused herself before the pack filed into the room. They all wanted to scent their omega before they could leave her behind, and carry her scent with them when they left- at least at first. Before performing, they would use a body spray to minimize any scents on their skin and clothes. Apparently the sight of an alpha band's dance moves on stage was enough to excite the crowd without adding any enticing scents to it. Hana was just glad that it meant they could behave as usual during their goodbyes.

Namjoon went first and she purred as his chocolate spread over her skin. "Am I allowed to wish you good luck?" she asked after returning the favor. The couple of short licks were more to make her feel better than anything else, since soon he would be covering it up anyway.

"You can," he agreed. "We're not superstitious."

"Then good luck, alphas." The performance was part of an award show, and the band had several nominations. Naturally, she thought they deserved to win everything.

"You're sure you can't come?" Taehyung asked with a pout once he was satisfied with his scenting, his caramel now drying on her neck. "It will be more fun in person."

"This is safer, not just because crowds make me nervous, but because of my new medication," she reminded him. Though it was hard for him, he accepted this answer, and her soft almond on his clavicle.

"I think it's better for you to stay," Yoongi said as he stepped up for his turn. "If I know you're safe and comfortable here, it will be easier to focus on the show." The sentiment was almost as soothing as his sweet orange scent under her jaw.

"I'm not going anywhere," Hana assured him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek after scenting his neck. "Not without you."

"Don't wait for us at dinner time," Seokjin reminded her after he added his cinnamon and spice to her growing bouquet. "If you're hungry, eat. Tomorrow we'll get to have a meal together."

"I'll take care, Jinnie-oppa. Make sure you have snacks and drinks when you get the chance, too." He gave her hand an affectionate squeeze while she scented him right up his windpipe, the way he liked to do to her.

Hoseok nuzzled her cheek after anointing her with soft strawberry. "Don't be afraid to call the staff if you need anything," he told her firmly. "They're here to help you as much as the rest of us, okay?"

"Yes, alpha," she nodded shyly. Leave it to him to notice how she would rather lean on her pack than the company staff. This time the alphas would not be there as intermediaries.

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