Chapter 4- Family Dynamics

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Yes it is defiently Wednesday Mhmmm. In my defense- school. Sorry for the late update tho. Take my attempt at fluff in exchange.


also this story got added to a bench trio reading list which brought my heart much joy, thank you, readers for that.

I have a rough idea where this story is goin but if there's any filler ideas or like specific stuff you guys want to see, now is a good time to suggest it.

TW/CW: Implied Bruises, Crying (out of frustration), Mention of blood, Swearing (this book has tommy and wilbur in it)


Wilbur watches the three boys worriedly while Niki and his father talk amicably. Glancing around, he mutters an excuse to leave, keeping an eye on the trio of teens. He runs up behind the three, "Hey kid!"

"Can I help you?" the blonde boy asks Wilbur in an unhelpful and downright confrontational voice.

"You alright, kid? Your face is pretty fucked up."

"What the fuck that's none of your business! Who the fuck do you think you are just going up to random teenagers in the street-" the boy's rant is cut off by a hand being smacked over his mouth.

"Shut. Sorry about him. He was dropped on his head as a baby and never quite got the hang of how to talk to people without being a fucking cu- Did you just lick me?!"

"Don't put your hand over my mouth, bitch!"

"You just licked my fucking hand with your disgusting raccoon breath and you're calling me a bitch?"

"Sorry about them. A box fell on Tommy when we were spring cleaning. Thanks for your concern I guess?" The tall boy in the hoodie waves awkwardly before hurrying after his friends. Brothers? Wilbur honestly has no clue.

"Well..." A monotone voice comes from the alley behind Wilbur. Being very used to his brother appearing out of nowhere, the younger barely flinched as the pinkette walks up beside him, "That was something."

"You were there the whole time?"



"Phhiiiilllllll," Wilbur whines, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the living room. The darkness outside the windows mirrors the darkness in his soul as he stares in defeat at the various reports and security footage stills scattered haphazardly around him.

"What is it Wil?" Phil asks, popping his head in from the kitchen where he had been making the three hot cocoa.

"Iii cannn'ttt dooo thissss. I'mmmaaa faillureeee," Wilbur flops back onto a few crumpled papers.

"What are you even trying to do mate?" The twin's father sighs at the mess his youngest has made of literally the entire living room.

"It's that kid, Phil. It's that fucking kid and their fucking disappearing purple cloudddd," Wilbur is actually crying now, though Phil can't tell if they're of genuine sadness or just frustration.

"The racoon hybrid you and Techno ran into last night?"

"Yesss," the brown-haired teen throws his arms over his face.

"That was the first time you've ever seen 'em, Wil. This seems a bit extreme."

"Nooo izz nooot their- 'ev been- just looook," Wil shoves a few of the papers in Phil's face while he pulls up a few clips on his laptop that was previously buried amid the chaos.

A few police reports about individuals matching the description of the kid as well as two others that seem to all work together. One even mentions the same purple cloud that made the raccoon kid disappear.

"And look this is the security footage from the area last night," Wilbur turns the laptop towards Phil, who just looks at him blankly.

"There's nothing there Wil," the winged hero gestures to the completely black screen, "Think your computer turned off."

"No, no there is, there's just no audio or camera until..." Wilbur fast forwards to a certain point and presses play. The black screen is suddenly replaced by a familiar rooftop. Except there's only techno and Wilbur, both facing the same side of the roof. Where there's a small pool of blood and a few odd little dots dancing around.

"Right- right when they left it's like a switch turned off and we got our camera feed back."

"So, someone on their little team can block the city's security equipment?"

"Yeah. Which explains why there are no pictures of them any where expect for..." Wilbur pulls up the next clip and pauses it almost immediately, "This one really blurry image of what seems to be raccoon child talking with the tall one before the feed cuts out."

After thinking for a minutes Philza declares, "Okay so we should probably deal with these three before it gets out of hand."

"That's whattt I'vee been sayyinggg."

"You never- Let's just take a break and come back to this in the morning, alright Wil?" Phil drags his son off the floor and onto his feet, "We can have a little movie night."

"Fineee. Can we get Techno and make him watch Hamilton with us?"

"If you can guilt trip him into that while I clean this up, sure."

"Yay!" Wilbur squeaks and scramble up the stairs like a child to go bother his big brother into joining them for an impromptu movie night.

771 words

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