Chapter 24

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you guys are gonna get so much content today ... prepare :]

self projection go brrrrrrrrrrrr

TW/CWs: Memory Issues, Facial Dysmorphia (Being uncomfortable showing your face around other people), Anxiety, Being Non-verbal due to anxiety, Swearing

The next morning, Ranboo wakes up first and is momentarily terrified. Like most people when they wake up in an unfamiliar place, he has a half-minute of desperately trying to figure out where in the world he is and how he got there.

When it finally crosses his sleep-muddled brain to sit up and look around, he sees Tubbo curled up next him. The bee boi's binder is thrown half-hazardly over the cushy chair in the corner. Another more though look around reveals Ranboo's journal on the bedside table.

Gratefully grabbing it, the ender hybrid flips through the last few pages to remind himself what happened the day before. Tubbo and Tommy both jokingly refer to Ranboo's journal as his "memory book" because it's primary use is to help the tall boy combat the chronic memory loss that is another unfortunate side effect of being an ender hybrid.

We're staying with Philza, Technoblade and Wilbur. They're heroes who are taking care of watching letting us live with them instead of going to prison. We sleep in the guest room on the second floor, second door on the left. (L)

Ranboo nods himself and slowly gets out of the bed without waking up the sleeping bee hybrid. He ruffles his hair, wishing that they were back at their apartment so he could change.

Wait. Where's Tommy?

This realization causes Ranboo to look around frantically, worried something had happened to the raccoon hybrid. After minute of panic, right before he's about to wake up Tubbo, the ender hybrid nearly trips on Tommy's prone form. On the floor. Of course, the squirmy little raccoon would've fallen onto the floor.

The second he opens the door, the scent of pancakes wafts in like a comforting breeze. Gently closing the door behind him, Ranboo tip toes downstairs trying his best to ignore the voice in his head screaming at him for not wearing a mask and sunglasses.

Ranboo can't, they got broken days ago and his spares are at the apartment along with his dino hoodie that he misses very much. Instead, the ender hybrid forces himself to ignore the whispers and creep to the kitchen, where Phil appears to be making breakfast.

"Good morning," The blonde hero looks up from the griddle where six pancakes are currently cooking. Homemade berry sauce is steaming in a pot on the stove.

Ranboo nods, hoping that that will be answer enough for the hero.

It is, thankfully. Phil smiles at him and points to the large kitchen table, "There's a note pad over there if you need anything."

The tall teen walks over to where a small notepad and pen are sitting. Hesitantly, he picks them up and scribbles down a quick sentence in his looping writing.

do yu you have any face masks?

When he shows it to Phil the older man is confused for a beat, before he realizes now is not the time to press the ender hybrid on anything, "Wh- Yeah I think we have some disposable ones by the front entry. You can go grab one if you like."

thanks :]

"No problem mate."

Ranboo nods before trotting off in the direction Phil gestured. A minute later the lanky teen walks back into the room looking way less uncomfortable with a blue disposable mask covering his lower face. Wordlessly, the ender hybrid starts setting the table for six, deftly avoiding Phil as he searches for silverware.

"Thanks Ranboo! Yoghurt and syrup's in the fridge door. Once your done do you think you could wake up Tommy and Tubbo?"

Ranboo nods again, pulling out the vanilla yoghurt and maple syrup and placig the two carefully on the table. The ender hybrid then heads back to the guest room and gently shakes Tubbo, "Wake up. Pancakes," He hisses in the older's ears, nudging his shoulder carefully.

"No fuck off," the bee hybrid mumbles, turning away and burrowing deeper into the covers. Now all that is visible is a few strays locks of dark brown hair and on of his antennae.

"Tommy's asleep on the floor, you can wake him up," Ranboo whisper in his platonic fiancé's ear, knowing that if he's even slightly awake he'll respond.

"I'm awake where is that little shit."

709 words

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