Chapter 44- Long But Relevant Story...

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heheheh 3rd update today poggies i have had sugar anyways on to the angst...

TW/CWs: Mention of Police, Swearing, Mention of Kidnapping, Injury, Implied Sickness, Weapons, Temporary Mutism (Due to Injury), Mention of Human Experimentation, Mention of Experimenting on Children, Mention of Blood, Mention of Manipulation/Blackmail, Mention of Abandonment


A knock sounds on the front door, slow and getting softer until it stops completely. Wilbur stands from the couch and opens the door, expecting a police officer or maybe another hero.

Instead, he's greeted by a soaked, scraggly figure leaning against the wall. With extremely slow reaction time, the figure stumbles back, only to fall onto their side on the porch. The snow softly falling behind them contrasts starkly with their disheveled appearance and dark clothing.

"Who- Are you okay?" Wilbur is caught between wanting to help this person, but being unsure if they mean him harm.

They let out a raspy wheeze shakily raising their empty palms in front of them, "I'm the one who kidnapped your kids. I surrender."

This instantly has the siren's attention, head snapping up fast enough to give him whiplash, "What?"

"I knocked you out and kidnapped TommyInnit, Tubbo Underscore and Ranboo Beloved. I surrender," At the end of this dramatic proclamation, they dissolve into an intense and unending coughing fit.

Wilbur's eyes widen and he turns his head to yell into the house, "Dad!"

Philza hurries to the front door, dressed in pajamas and a bathrobe, wingtips skimming the floor, "What's wrong Wil- Oh! Is everything okay?" The blonde man looks at the small figure at the tail end of a massive coughing fit.

"They say they're the on who took Tommy and the others."

The elytrian looks between his son and the person still slumped on the wall several times before settling on the stranger, "Do you have weapons on you?"

They nod before dissolving into a short coughing fit.

"Where?" Wilbur asks, allowing a lilt to seep into his voice.

"Sides of m' boots, belt, wrists," The figure holds out their shaking arms, palms open to allow Wilbur to swiftly confiscate the daggers there. The brunette also takes the dart gun on their belt and the pair of throwing knives in their boots. After exchanging a look with his father, Wilbur heads back inside, to put the weapons in a safe place and update his twin on what's going on.

"You can sit down. Wil's just telling his brother what's going on and getting some blankets for you."

"You know who we are?"

"Ye-" They wince and cut themselves off, resorting to nodding.

"Do you have a name?"

Nod, followed by shaking their head, followed by nodding again. Eventually they just shrug.

"Can you talk?"

Again a shrug.

"Are you injured so you can't talk?"

They nod and after a moment of consideration, clumsily sign 'My name is D-R-I-S-T-A'.

Phil translates this in his head a few times before asking, "Drista?" After confirmation he continues, "I'm Phil. I use he/him pronouns. What pronouns do you use?"

Drista considers this for a moment before shaking her head, not quite understanding.

"Like if I were to say that I saw you at the store, would I say 'I saw him at the store', I saw them at the store', 'I saw her at the store' or something else?"

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