Chapter 27- please give me cavities (Halloween Special pt 2)

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this would've been out and hour ago. Blame Tubbo for going live and being a funny streamer man with his friends. #JusticeforLani

disclaimer bc i don't wanna risk getting in trouble; i did not write the adams family theme song.

TW/CWs: Swearing, Shoplifting(?), Confrontation


Philza, dressed as 'a very old wizard' as Wilbur put it, pulls the three teens aside once they're all in their costumes, "Okay so do you remember what to say?"

"TRICK-OR-TREAT BITCH!" Tommy yells, blonde hair peaking out from under the black beanie he stole from Wilbur as part of his costume. The raccoon hybrid is wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and jeans with cheap black socks from the dollar store over his shoes. Draped over his back and fasted to his wrists with elastics is a L'Manburg flag.

Tubbo hops excitedly, his wings buzzing happily. The older teen's costume is made up of an oversized sweater with thick black and yellow stripes, a pair of black overalls with an allium embroidered on the front pocket and striped knee-high socks that match his sweater. Fuzzy black earmuffs, black fingerless gloves and all black vans as well as golden costume jewelry of flowers and honeycombs complete his adorable costume.

With a mischievous grin the bee hybrid proudly recites, "Ghostie bois, witches or gremlin-goblins – If you don't have any treats we're gonna have some problems!"

Ranboo, dressed sharply in a black suit with his usual mask and glasses looks from his brothers to Phil. In his breast pocket is tucked a piece of cardboard, covered in aluminium foil with a small LED at the top. A decision is made fairly quickly and the ender hybrid settles on, "Happy Hanukkah please give me cavities!"

Phil , laughing at the three's ridiculous answers, shoots down their creative ideas one by one, "Close but no. Aggressive. Why?" On the final one Phil's voice seems so disappointed. Tommy starts loudly arguing while Tubbo cackles and Ranboo simply shrugs.

"WIL GET DOWN HERE!" Phil shouts up the stairs impatiently, knowing that the three teens are ticking time bombs of hyper activity and desperately wanting them out of the house before they explode.

"Why do I have to take them?"

"Because Techno won't and I'm on call tonight."

"Have fun, Ghostbur!"

"Shut up ya shiny golden dickhead!"

"No," Techno actually makes the heart sing with his index and middle fingers, causing the trio to burst out in laughter.

"Fucking prick," Wilbur mutters as he's dragged out of the house.

"Wilbur, ma friend, where do we go to get the goods?"

With a sigh, the siren takes the lead, walking down the poorly lit road.

Five minutes later Wilbur is regretting every decision that lead to this moment. The boys are singing. The Adams Family Theme song. Very, very badly and at top volume as the four walk down a dark trail. Tommy had said it was to scare off any wronguns, but in all honesty it was probably scaring off all the wronguns, wildlife, and sanity within the entirety of the small strip of forest.

"BADADADA!" All three boys clap in sort-of unison as they perform a spontaneous accapella rendition of the Halloween classic, much to the horror of Wilbur's eardrums, "BADADADA!" Once more the boys clap in awkward sequence, "BADADADA BADADADA BADADADA!" Tommy makes sure to do the next two claps as close to Wilbur as he can get.

"BADADADA!" The three boys clap yet again, filling their lonely surroundings with the sharp sound as the four walk along the empty trail towards the neighborhood Wilbur was leading them too, "BADADADA!" "BADADADA BADADADA BADADADA!"

"Please stop..." Wilbur mutters, having little hope that his quiet plea will be heard over the ear-shattering 'singing'.


"Dear god," the siren mutters as the gibberish and clapping starts up once again, in full force and with the impressive amount of gusto three chaotic teenagers can muster.

"BADADADA!" Tubbo grins, as the three clap in unison for what seems to Wilbur like the five-millionth time, "BADADADA!" Another brief interlude of rhythmic clapping, "BADADADA BADADADA BADADADA!" A final two claps and just when the hero thinks it's over another round starts up, "BADADADA!" Clap, clap, "BADADADA!" Clap... clap, "BADADADA BADADADA BADADADA!"

On the last pair of claps, Tommy claps so hard that his hands are red and stinging, prompting teasing from Tubbo about how he should've worn gloves as well. The two eventually devolve into one of their usual full-blown arguments, so the four walk into the neighborhood with two of them arguing like schoolchildren while the other two civilly discuss the likely hood of ghosts being real.

Wilbur points to the nearest house, "Please be nice, just go up, ring the bell, smile and say 'Trick or Treat' alright?"

"Okay Wilby!" Tommy darts toward the house, flag costume streaming behind hi like a cape as his brothers pursue him. A minute later the three return to Wilbur with wide smiles and a few handfuls of candy in their bags. As they walk to the next house Ranboo shouts over his shoulder, "Happy Easter!"

The next two hours are filled with various acts of chaos. Tommy shoves a couple bags of skittles down Wilbur's sweater. Tubbo and Ranboo take turns hiding behind trees and singing creepy children's songs.

Just as they're about to head back, so as to not be those obnoxious teens out way too late, an alarm starts up in the distance. All four instinctively start heading towards it, rounding the corner to see a corner store with a few figure scurrying around inside, alarm blaring loudly.

"We can't stay out of trouble for one night can we..." Wilbur mutters, glaring at the shop with it's blaring alarm and masked figures scurrying about inside. As they draw closer it becomes apparent that it's just three teenagers dressed up in costumes ransacking the small shop.

"Kindly return the goods and put your hands in the air, kids," The siren sighs, going full hero mode. The three ignore Wilbur, each assuming a fighting stance.

"What are you looking at, bitch!" Tommy shouts, stepping protectively in front of Tubbo as one of the girls stares at the bee hybrid.

"Oh shut up," The girl dressed as Dream says derisively, drawing the raccoon hybrid's anger instead. 

1034 words very poggers

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