Chapter 21- battered clingy duo meets doctor puffy :D

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my sleep-deprived butt presents a actually decent chapter (i think).

there will probably a second one today as well depending on how miserable i am.

enjoy :D

TW/CWs: Severe Burns, Implied Over-Binding, Implied Abuse, Swearing, lmk if i missed any


"Tubbo!" Tommy rushes forward the second the Angel of Death releases him. Kneeling next to the curled-up body of his brother, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine T-Coon," Tubbo mutters, tiredly correcting himself when he sees the hero in the doorway.

Tommy eyes his chest and face worriedly, "Are those burns?"

"I said I'm fine," Tubbo snaps, wincing as a slight movement aggravates the red and black burns on his face, "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Tommy assures the older teen.

The elytrian hero in the door leans over to get a better view of Tubbo, "Mate, are you okay?"

"I SAID I'M FINE!" Tubbo screams, causing Tommy to jump backwards and cover his sensitive ears.

The hero leaves without another word and Tubbo curls up against Tommy. The raccoon hybrid looks down at the older boy with a worried and caring expression. Carefully avoiding the worst of Tubbo's burns, Tommy carries him to the back corner of their cell. As gently as he can, the blonde sets his brother down and curls up next to him, positioned between the injured boy and the door.

About a half hour passes before the Angel of Death returns with a sheep hybrid in tow. When the door opens, Tommy bristles, fur sticking straight up as he tries to look intimidating.

"Hi there," The sheep hybrid says softly, taking a few tentative steps towards the pair tucked in the corner while Angel stays back near the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" The raccoon hybrid demands, ears pinned back in fear and anger.

"My name's Puffy," She takes another step before crouching down to Tommy's level, tie-dye scrubs rustling slightly, "I'm not technically supposed to be here, but the Warden and Angel want me to check your friend out."

"You're not touching Tubbo," Tommy says firmly, moving his arms to block more of his injured friend from the view of this stranger.

"I need to make sure Tubbo is okay... what your name kiddo?" Puffy asks, sitting down cross-legged just out of reach from the two boys.

"Everyone here already knows it," Tommy mutters, feeling uncomfortably patronized,

"Well, I want you to tell me," Puffy prompts, wanting the teen to tell her himself.

"...'s Tommy Danger Kraken Innit," The racoon hybrid mutters with the closest thing to a smile he's had in a while.

"Okay Tommy Danger Kraken Innit, can I check on Tubbo's burns? You can stay right here with Ph- Angel," The rainbow-clad doctor gestures to her colleague behind her.

"Promise you won't hurt him?" Tommy examines the doctor with the wary air of someone who has learned though repeated experience not to trust easily.

"I just want to make sure those burns heal properly," Puffy assures, holding out her hands in a placating gesture.

"Promise," Tommy presses, not fully trusting the sheep hybrid in front of him despite something in him telling him that he can trust her.

"I won't intentionally hurt him, but I do need to stop the burns from getting infected," Puffy tells the protective boy before quickly adding, "Promise."

Tommy skootches over to reveal Tubbo curled up in the corner of the cell, burns on his face and hands and singed out layer of clothing- it was his own technology that saved most of his body from burns.

"Hey Tubbo," Puffy smiles comfortingly at the half-conscious boy as she kneels beside him, Tommy hovering anxiously a few feet back, "I just need to take a quick look at your burns alright?"

"Okay," The bee hybrid mutters, shifting slightly to keep his brother in view.

The two brothers maintain eye contact as Puffy gently examines the older's injuries. Tubbo barely flinches or reacts at all to the doctor's ministrations which raises another red flag for the caring hybrid- these boys either have a ridiculously high pain tolerance or have trained themselves not to react to pain, possibly both.

When Puffy concludes her examination, she gestures for Phil to talk to her in a corner and makes sure the boys are out of earshot before urgently whispering, "I can't take him to medical?"

"XD would have our heads. You're not even really supposed to be down here."

"XD needs me and he knows that, the conniving bastard."

"Don't test him Puffy."

"I'll go get what I can from medical."

Before Puffy can leave the cell, Tommy scurries out from the corner to tug on the rainbow sleeve of the sheep hybrid's scrubs, "Is Tubbo gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, he'll be fine, just some scars. I'll be right back alright? I just need to run and grab some stuff from the med ward. Angel will keep you company," The doctor assures which sends the blonde teen darting back to his corner with a small nod.

When Puffy comes back the two are squirreled away in the corner once more. The brothers are frantically whispering accompanied by the odd series of hand gestures.

"Big T it's been over a day," Tommy hissed, worry and irritation layer in his voice and gaze.

"Tommy I fucking know- sorry misdirected anger. Yeah, I know," The bee hybrid mutters, attempting to shift to a less painful position.

"You're gonna fuck your r-"

"Is everything okay boys?" Puffy asks quietly, interrupting whatever argument the pair are having.

The two exchange a flurry of looks before Tommy sighs and Tubbo announces with a very forced smile, "Yeah no problemo Puffy!"

Puffy nods hesitantly, not wanting to ruin what trust they have by pushing the boys. Instead, she moves forward with supplies in her bag and with his permission, starts patching up the battered bee hybrid.

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