Chapter 50- I'll be Home for Christmas...

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Okay im really, genuinely sorry. I've been starting these meds for *mental health reasons* and they've screwed with my motivation and shit. so more than a week late (MUCH LIKE MY RANBOO MERCH) here are the last two xmas chapters. final one should be out in a bit.

uh hope you still enjoy even though like i said its super late


TW/CWs: Swearing, Food


It is pitch black outside when Tommy shoots bolt upright in his bed. Snow is falling in droves, whiting out everything beyond the nearest streetlamp. Festive lights from other houses' decorations shine through the billowing swirls.

When the blonde looks to the digital clock on the nightstand it reads 05:48.

Tiptoeing carefully, the raccoon hybrid sneaks towards the door, being careful not the wake the bee hybrid sleeping on the bunk next to the door.

Then Tommy jumps on top of the sleeping brunette, "Tubbo. Tubbo. Tubbo. Tubbo. Tubbo. Tubb-"

A hand files up from the pile of blankets and smacks the blonde in the face, "Tommy say my name one more time are you are gonna go flying out that fucking window you hear me?" Tubbo spits angrily, trying not the wake the ender boi sleeping above him.

"Yup but it's Christmas!" The raccoon hybrid hisses back, failing to get the hand off his face.

After a moment for the half-awake boy's brain to process this, the bee hybrid sits up from the nest of warm blankets like the monster Frankenstein, "Oh. Let's go wake the others up."

The pair's first target is Ranboo, sleeping on the bunk above Tubbo. After waking, the trio leave their room in order to find their next target, only to be distracted by the smell of pancakes.

Exchanging mildly confused glances, the three teens creep to the kitchen, only to see Phil and Techno making a lavish breakfast. Wilbur is seated on the kitchen island, nursing a cup of coffee with bleary but excited eyes.

"What the fuck..." Tommy breathes, obviously disappointed there will be no more obnoxiously waking people up for the holiday.

Looking up from his cooking, Philza smiles at the trio, gesturing for them to enter, "Morning boys."

"Morning Dadza," Tubbo chirps, casually clambering onto Ranboo's back.

"Grab some food from the counter and then we're opening stockings."

"Ah yes the yeti socks. So festive," The ender hybrid deadpans while scanning the spread of breakfast foods. His voice changes drastically when he happily exclaims, Oh! Muffin!"

As the other two fill their plates, Tommy, having already filled his plate with croissants and whipped cream is poking around the tree. All is well and breakfast is all finished, when there's a sudden squawk, "AGEH!"

"Tommy did you just fucking trip on a fucking present?"


While Wilbur laughs at the racoon hybrid, Techno returns with his pink stocking, motioning for the others to go get theirs as he sits down at the table. Taking his cue, the trio and Wilbur grab their own oversized socks from above the fireplace, the siren also grabbing Phil's.

After they've all sat down with a plate of food, Phil smiles before gesturing for them to open their stockings, "Happy Christmas you lot."

The next hour or so is filled with happy exclamations, sugary carbs, and a lot of yelling, mostly from Tommy.

Ranboo looks at the pile in front of him, "I have so much chocolate..."

"Oh no."

"So much..."

Phil looks over to see neatly organized stacks of holiday treats in front of the ender hybrid, "You organize chocolate, but not any other thing you own?"

"Yes, exactly. I have priorities, Phil," Ranboo explains in a sarcastically condescending voice.

"Yeah sure."

After they've all finished opening stockings and eating breakfast, the slowly forming family of six moves to the living room to open presents.

The kid's presents are opened first.

Tommy got deodorant and a toothbrush from Wilbur and Tubbo, while Techno gave him a red hat with holes for his ears. Phil gave him a new phone, which caused the boy's tail to go haywire with excitement, to his intense embarrassment.

Ranboo receives a bunch of new handmade masks from Wilbur as well as a gold pendant from Techno. The ender hybrid also got a new ring from his platonic fiancé and a small nerf pistol from Tommy with an ominous note about being on his guard. Like the aforementioned raccoon hybrid, Ranboo was given a phone by Phil.

A striped black and yellow fuzzy and very oversized sweater made by the piglin himself is Techno's gift to Tubbo. Tommy also gave him a nerf pistol with accompanying threatening note. Ranboo gave Tubbo a locket that matches his- apparently, he 'found' it. The bee hybrid also got a phone from Phil.

The next gift is Wilbur's to Tubbo.

"Fuck offff!" Tommy whines, shoving Tubbo away- the bee hybrid had been trying to aggressively squeeze him to death under the guise of 'showing him the fuzziness.

Tubbo releases the blonde when he is handed a light and slightly squishy wrapped ball by Wilbur. Eagerly tearing the wrapping off, he reveals a small ball-shaped frog stuffed animal.

"I dub you Fig," Tubbo murmurs quietly, cupping the frog ball to his face.

"Fig? The fuck?" Tommy shouts, "Why would you name it-"

"Fig is my child," The shortest teen gasps, holding the precious froggy to his chest, "Shut up, you motherfucking stereotypical little bitch."

"I hate it," Tommy glares at the strangely malicious but also innocent stuffie.


"I do," The blonde insists, still squinting suspiciously at Fig, "It stares at my soul."

"Do you mean into your soul?" Wilbur asks, interjecting into the conversation for the first time to attempt to clarify the already confusing boy's confusing declaration.


Ranboo gently taps the bee hybrid's shoulder, "Tubbo may I be Fig's other father?"

"Yes, you may Ranboo," Tubbo drags his name out slightly before adding in a goofy tone, "My Beloved."

Ranboo matches his tone, "Thank you Tubboooo."

"The fuck just happened?" Wilbur asks while Techno rummages under the tree for his gift to his twin.

Phil shrugs, while Techno chucks a surprisingly soft present at Wilbur, "Merry Christmas, Wilbur."

Wilbur unwraps it partially before looking up, deadpan, "Oh, fuck you Techno."

"What? I made you a beautiful sweater," Techno grins as his twin pulls out a handmade purple sweater, Wilbur's most despised colour.

"Shut up," The brunette mutters, tugging the sweater on at his dad's insitnet gestures.

Over the rest of the remaining gifts are exchanged and many sweets are eaten. When its long been dark and the fire slowly dies down, the family trickles one by one to their respective rooms. Wilbur, however, has to carry a tired and clingy Tommy to the boy's room. Since they never changed out of their pj's the siren tries to lays him down and tuck him in, only for the raccoon boy to refuse to let go of him.

Smiling softly, Wilbur maneuvers the teen so he can lie behind him. As he settles both of them in, Tommy stirs slightly, dazedly looking up at his older brother, "Happy Christmas, Wilby," The raccoon boi mumbles, nuzzling further into the siren's purple sweater.

"Night Toms."

1138 words

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