Chapter 30- fucking shark week

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self projection go brrrrr

also i am very pleased to announce that i have made up with my SO and got cuddles at lunch today! we're coming up with ways to tell his (christian but fairly accepting) family about my gender shit. *happy gremlin noises*

this is sorta a filler chapter- important stuff to a side plot happens, but not too much for the actual plot.


TW/CWs: Shark Week (period), Coming Out, Swearing, Light Arguing, Voices (just chat but needed to put the warning just incase), Mention of Medicine, Medicine


The next day, Wilbur and Phil and Techno are at HQ trying to find the kids they ran into on Halloween. Which means that the Benchtrio are alone at the house for the entire day, what could go wrong?

As it turns out, surprisingly little. Well, when Techno returns home around five PM the house is still standing, and nothing is on fire. As far as he can see from the entryway, there isn't even a mess downstairs.


where da noisy bois?


oh welp theyre dead



"Shut up, chat," The piglin mumbles, his concern growing as he listens and hears nothing but the usual house noises- no sign of the three loud teenager hybrids. Doing a cursory search of the downstairs, Techno finds only empty rooms so he hurries upstairs, already trying to figure out how to explain what happened to his dad.

"Well, I got home and they were gone. No seriously, they were gone! I didn't do anything to the three irritating information leaks you let into our home..." Techno mutters to himself as he approaches the closed door of the room the three boys are sharing.

Rapping sharply on the door- the hero may be worried but he's also a decent person (DAD LOOKING AT YOU) – Techno waits for a response. There's a brief muffled conversation then the door is yanked open.

Tommy is standing in the doorway, chest puffed up as he protectively guards the doorframe. Techno can see over the raccoon's head and almost misses Tubbo curled up in a nest of blankets on one of the beds.

"What's going on? Tubbo are you okay?"

"Nothing! M'fine," Tubbo squeaks tiredly, burrowing deeper into the nest of blankets gathered around him.

Tommy shoots the pinkette a glare, moving protectively in front of the bee hybrid and his nest, "Fuck off."

"Are you okay- I mean what's wrong with him?"

"Gastro-intestinal issues," Tommy declares bluntly, obviously being pleased that he used those big words in context.

"Really?" Techno's brow crinkles slightly, "What?"

"Uh... gluten... allergy?" The blonde offers weakly, wincing at the disbelieving glare the piglin hybrid gives him.

"Tommy... just tell 'im," Tubbo mumbles from within the blanket pile. The blankets shift once more to reveal the brunette's pale face, an uncomfortable grimace overshadowed by the glare directed at his brother.

"Tell me what?" Techno asks, confused and worried that something is seriously wrong with the boy. Against his better judgement and what he'd admit to anyone, the piglin has grown attached to all of the boys. So his instincts to protect and care for his family now extend to the three troublemakers as well.

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