Chapter 26 - Hall of Weed (Halloween Special pt 1)

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So this special was supposed to be for 1k, but now its for 1,5 and 10k so thank you all so much for that, seeing the reads go up, seeing you guys vote and reading your hilarious comments have really made my day so many times, thanks guys so much.

These chapter specials are canon and a part of the story btw.

TW/CWs: Mention of Drugs, Swearing

___ one week timeskip from last chapter, lots of bonding happened ____

"Hall-of-weed? What?" Tommy looks up at Wilbur, obviously confused but at the same time not looking opposed to something involving weed.

Phil explains form his spot on the couch while Wilbur cackles in background, "Hall 'o' ween. It's when people dress up in costumes and kids walk around getting candy from strangers."

Ranboo blinks and tilts his head in confusion, "Um what? Stranger dang-"

"THAT'S SOUNDS POGGERS CAN WE DO IT?!" Tommy yells, nearly bouncing off the walls in excitement for the holiday that he was just informed about. Free candy is enough to get the already hyper boy especially excited.

"Of course, that's why we brought it up!" Phil ruffles the raccoon hybrid's hair affectionally, causing the boy to let out a soft purr and rub his head against the hero's hand. The older blonde smiles and scratches Tommy behind the ears, making the teen practically collapse onto Phil's lap.

"Are you dressing up, Dadza?" Tubbo asks from his spot at the foot of the love seat in the corner of the room. The bee hybrid is acting as a yarn bag for Techno, happily holding a skein of purple yarn in his cupped hands in exchange for the occasional awkward head pat.

"Probably, Wil and Techno always have the entire family dress up," At Phil's words, Wilbur nods emphatically, opening his mouth to say something only to be cut off by the bee hybrid across the room.

"Techno are you dressing up?" Tubbo cranes his neck to look at the older boy sitting behind him. With his comically wide eyes and awkwardly positioned neck, the teen strongly resembles a curious kitten.

"Yea but just to hand out candy. I'm gonna be King Midas," The pigling hybrid grins, obviously happy with his costume idea- combining two of his favorite things, gold and mythology, pretty smart if he says so himself, which he does.

"Pog," The shortest boy shares his judgement of the pinkette's costume idea from his spot on the floor.

"That's the dude who turned shit to gold, right?" Tommy asks, eager to show off the small amount of mythology he's learned.

"What are you being Wilbur?" Tubbo asks the siren, eager to participate in this new (to him at least) tradition.

"A ghost," The siren grins, eyes lighting up with excitement at the mention of his costume, obviously proud of his plans despite 'ghost' being one of the most basic Halloween costumes.

"BOOOOO LAMEEE!" Techno immediately starts mocking his brother's extremely stereotypical costume choice.

Wilbur huffs, puffing up his shoulders in irritation, "I'm going to be a cool ghost!" the siren pouts, shooting his twin a grumpy look, "I shall be Ghostbur!"

"Laammme," Techno calls from across the room, setting aside his knitting and pulling out his tattered copy of The Art of War. His job over with for the time being, Tubbo stands and walks over to curl up in Ranboo's lap in the couch.

"I wanna be a bee," Tubbo declares with a happy buzz of his wings, nuzzling the taller boy's chest affectionately. Ranboo looks down at him, smiling form behind the mask Wilbur had made him the week before.

Tommy whips around to give his brother an unamused look, "You are a fucking bee."

"Shut up Tomathy," Tubbo glares at his brother, awkwardly flipping him the bird from his diagonal position on the couch.

"Phil can I be a Man In Black?" Ranboo had taken a liking to the movies, exclaiming to Phil about how they wore sunglasses just like him.

"Course, Mate. What do you want to be Tommy?" Phil looks down to the teen curled up happily in his lap, still receiving scritches with lidded eyes.

Tommy pushes himself up to sit next to Phil in a much more dignified position before proudly stating with absolutely zero hesitation, "A flag."

"You want to like dress up after the flag?" The elytrian hybrid asks, confused but obviously trying to make sense of the raccoon boy's odd declaration. The flag of L'Manburg would be fairly easy to turn into a costume but knowing Tommy his idea is not so simple.

"No I want to be a flag," Tommy clarifies uselessly, crossing his arms defiantly while leaning into Phil's scritches once more.

Wilbur joins the conversation, his confusion no longer being able to be contained, "How-"

"I will be a flag," Tommy reiterates firmly before turning on his heel and walking out of the room, presumably to start on his flag costume.

Techno looks at his dad, slightly lost on what just happened, "He's-"

"Gonna be a flag, apparently," Phil says with a shrug and a soft but still slightly confused smile.


"Halloween?" Drista asks, her mouth awkwardly and exaggeratedly forming the unfamiliar word.

"Yeah!" Teagan cheers from the window seat, not looking up from the sequined skirt she's carefully sewing by hand.

Drista blinks, looking between the twins with more than a little confused, "What is that?"

"Basically, people dress up and hand out candy to kids," Lani explains, scratching Twitchy gently as the squirrel squeaks happily, "Tea loves it because she gets to steal stuff, make stuff, and get free treats."

The enthusiastic girl nods happily in the background, eyes still on her sewing project.

Drista squints as she thinks, flipping around so her head is hanging off the bottom of the seat, short spikey hair flopping around. After a moment she looks up at the sisters with a glint in her yes that means trouble, "People go as heroes, right?"

"Yeah, fairly popular costumes," The older brunette's face scrunches up in thought before she looks at the blonde, "Why?"

"Think I could go as a girl version of my brother, then like rob a convenience store after we're done? Be funny as fuck," The green-clad girl grins a smile identical to her brother, not that she knows that.

"Would be," Teagan nods grinning at the mischievousness of the idea, talking over her sister's scolding for Drista's choice in language, "And you'd be fine too, especially if we came along as back up."

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