Chapter 18- children with PTSD injured in special jail

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excuse me wot?

I last updated this story on saturday FOUR DAYS AGO. it was at 1k then.


 here is angsty chapter for all you demon children.

but first quick question: Would anyone want to read the sbi royalty au im working on if i post it? fair warning the updates would be super slow bc the writing style i use for that story takes me forever.

onto story...

TW/CWs: Implied Broken Ribs, Panic Attack, Fainting, PTSD, Jail (sorta its like a special one for people with powers), Nausea, Vertigo(?), Swearing, Implied Anxiety sorta, Mention of Hearing Loss from Trauma, Mention of Blood, Implied Overbinding


When Tubbo's eyes open, all he can see is white and grey. After a few seconds of just blankly staring at the blurry monochromatic scene, the teen thinks to blink a few times. This gives him a clear view of padded gray floor that melds seamlessly into an equally padded white wall.

About this time is when the pounding in his head and jabbing ache in his ribs announce themselves. Groaning, Tubbo raises a hand to rub his head. Doing this brings his wrist into his field of vision. More specifically the bulky black cuff locked snugly around it. After processing this Tubbo lifts his other hand to confirm that both his hands have the weird cuffs on it.

The cuffs feel... wrong. Like they're made of something torn from the wrong side of the world. That feeling of inherent wrongness isn't helped by the sense that something important- something vital- is missing. But Tubbo can't quite place it.

All of this simply serves to overwhelm and confuse the poor teen.

Tubbo decides that he should try to sit up and look around.

So, he does. Way too fast, which sends the bee hybrid back flat on the floor fighting nausea and vertigo. Once the room has stopped spinning, Tubbo tries again to sit up, slower this time, using the wall to help him to a kneeling position.

From his new vantage point, he can now see how thoroughly fucked he is.

The room he's in is a cube of about ten feet and has five padded surfaces the only variation being that the floor is gray and the ceiling emits a bright lights. The final wall is transparent and seems to be made out of some sort of high-tech glass stuff.

That's it. There's nothing else.

"What the fuck," The bee hybrid mutters, disorientated by the unfamiliar and confined environment.

Tubbo looks through the transparent wall and sees Tommy lying in the cell across from him. The bee hybrid stumbles closer to the glass, wincing when his ribs object to the movement.

Still watching his brother protectively, Tubbo scoots into the corner of the glass- which somehow is soft as well what the hell?- and a wall. The short teen keeps an eye on Tommy as he nervously runs his hand through his hair, ending up petting his antenna gently to sooth himself.

Suddenly Tommy bolts upright as glances around frantically.

"TUBBO!" Tommy shouts the second he see his brother. Well at least that's what Tubbo thinks he said. The glass must be sound proof. But despite not being able to hear his brother, Tubbo is pretty sure he knows what he shouted.

"I'm fine, Coon," Tubbo resorts to sign language. Thankfully sign is something both of them know- all three of them learned a year or so ago when an accident left Tommy temporarily deaf.

"You're not."

Tommy's curt but accurate response makes Tubbo sit upright with indignation, "I a-" Tubbo cuts himself off with a sharp gasp, curling around the burning pain in his chest.

"Tubbo," Tommy's face is completely blank, which only happens when he's very, very serious.

"Tommy this isn't my fault or yours and there's nothing either of us can do right now," The pained but resigned look on Tubbo's face makes Tommy really want to punch someone.

"You start hacking up blood or some shit and I'm calling for help weather you like it or not," Tommy states, meeting the accepting look on his brother's face with the special kind of stubborn determination that he only shows when taking care of one of his brothers.

Tubbo's response to this gesture of brotherly love is to flip Tommy off, a gesture the younger readily returns.

About an hour later the two have been 'talking' on and off, figuring out what happened. It was obvious they were captured by heroes, but it took the pair a bit of back and forth to figure out what exactly caused them to be captured.

Their playful argument about the best kind of pasta is immediately cut short by a door opening at the end of the hallway separating the brothers. Five figures enter, with a sixth slipping in just as the door slides shut.

It's the top six heroes in the city. Hell in the country. The Angel of Death, The Blade, Dream, Pyro, Jubilee and 404. Fuck.

When Tubbo sees Dream he instantly starts hyperventilating. By the way the bee hybrid's eyes are glazed over, you can tell that whatever he's seeing, it's not his surroundings.

"Wha..." Tommy mouths before he sees the hero's mask and hundreds of repressed memories surface. Instead of hyperventilating, the raccoon hybrid skips right to fainting onto the gray padded floor.

789 words

i want your peoples input:

should i work on the background for the kids (Benchtrio, Wilbur, Techno, Fundy Lani and Co.)?


Mumza introduction?

Comment on which one you want first, both are gonna happen somewhat soon, but i want help deciding which to work on first.

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