Chapter 38- Wilbur Finds Himself in Need of a Scarf

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moving on from my massive power trip...

1. new mc update pog

2. there will be a holiday special

3. heheheheheheehehe here have some unsuspicious fluff

I am aware that quackity's real name is alexis, but so is one of my best frineds, also irl people have the same/similar names. For the purpose of this AU, quackity's name is alex.

TW/CWs: Swearing, Implied Making Out


Tubbo blinks at the building the van is parked inside the high-level parking lot of. The bee hybrid seems to be shaking, from caffeine withdrawal, irritation or some other cause is unknown, but he calmly turns to Phil, "This is not doughnuts. I have been lied to. I do not think I will ever recover from this betrayal."

"I WANT SUGAR!" The blonde raccoon hybrid seated next to the irate brunette joins in with the complaining while the other boy squished into the window sits quietly.

"Oh, you fucking child," Wilbur mutters, covering the ear closest to the boys with his free hand as he struggles to get out of the white soccer mom van.

Taking offense to this insult, as usual, Tommy bursts out of the van after the brunette, yelling for the entire 'empty' car park to hear, "I'M NOT A CHILD, YOU'RE A CHILD YOU'RE LITERALLY SEVENTEEN!"

The siren looks confusedly down at the twitching ears of the blonde, "What? No, I'm twenty-four, Tommy."

"What?" Tommy is ninety-percent certain that Wilbur is seventeen, but that's probably just one of those weird things your brain convinces you of. Like when you think that your friend's birthday is in May but it's in October.

"It's okay, I know children such as yourself sometimes forget things," He pats Tommy on the head as they enter the lounge-ish area of the complex. Really just a oversized hallway intersection they put some crappy sofas in.


Philza cuts Tommy off before the hyper blonde can go on a full rant, "Boys. Techno and I need to check in with a coworker and grab some files. Then we can go get doughnuts."

"Okaayyyy," The two shorter teens whine in unison while their ender hybrid companion bounces happily on the oddly bouncy sofa.

"Wil, can you watch them?" The elytrian tell-asks while following his oldest into an elevator.

"Fineeeee," Wilbur groans dramatically, slumping into a lumpy gray couch the city got on sale at the Brick. A few minutes later, after far too many cum jokes, a boy with ginger curls wanders by.

"Oh, hey Fundy!" the brunette siren calls, waving the young man over.

Fundy grins, tail twitching happily, "Hi W-Jubilee!"

"Is, uh, Sally around?" Wilbur asks, trying to make the question seem casual while scratching his neck nervously.

"Yeah, she's talking to Q over there," The ginger fox hybrid points with a small smile.

"Oh, great! Uh could you keep an eye on these three real quick?" Wilbur asks, already craning his neck trying to see Sally.

"Uh... sure?" Fundy agrees somewhat confusedly and reluctantly.

"Great! Great... I'll be back in a few, boys."

"Uh hi, I'm Fundy, like he said."

From the couch, heterochromatic eyes look up and the ender hybrid waves awkwardly, "Ranboo."

"Big Man Tommy," The blonde proudly declares, grinning.

"Tubbo, He/they."

"Oh he/him as well."

A tall girl around their age walks up, baggy galaxy hoodie perfectly complimenting black skinny jeans. Blue-green eyes peak out from under fluffy bangs. When they turn to Fundy to speak, the have a faint, hard-to-place accent, "Who's this?"

"Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy. He/they, and he/him," Fundy points to each boy as the information pertains to them.

"Alexis, she/her," The girl, Alexis says, somehow exuding both anxiety and confidence. Her light brown hair is fluffy and frizzy with messy curls, pulled back into a loose half-updo.

"You here to pick up Karl?" The red head asks, giving the elevator a glance.

"Yeah, is he up in his office?" The girl follows Fundy's gaze the elevator, then farther up to the upper floor.

"I think so."

"Kay, see you later Fundy and Co. I would stay to chat but... yeah bye!" The young woman mutters awkwardly before darting off with a slightly too fast speed.

"Well," Tubbo looks confusedly after Alexis.

Tommy turns to the ginger sitting on the couch armrest, "So, Fundy, opinions on women?"

"They're... uh nice? This feels like a trap."

Tubbo makes a so-so gesture as Tommy continues his interrogation of the young fox hybrid. After another few minutes, in which the conversation become much more relaxed and chaotic, Philza and Techno return, the former holding a small sheaf of papers.

"Did Wilbur abandon you guys- oh hello Fundy. Isn't it your day off?" The older blonde asks, giving the young fox hybrid a quick head scratch.

Fundy grins, leaning into Phil's hand slightly, "Dream needed some help, so I just came in real quick after the ceremony. Mum wanted to talk to Q quickly."

"Ah Sally's here, that explain it," Philza says with a knowing smile.

"Explains what?" Wilbur asks, walking up to the group, "Oh Fundy, your mum said to meet her by the car."

Tommy finally connects he dots and looks to Wilbur like he has suddenly grown an extra head, "Wilbur... DO YOU HAVE A WOMAN?!?? THAT YOU DID NOT TELL ME ABOUT??!?? DID SHE HIT HER HEAD-?"

Phil wisely steps between Tommy and Wilbur putting a fatherly hand on the older's shoulder, "How's Sally, mate?"

"She's fine, thanks Dad."

Techno says nothing until they're nearly out the door. When he does speak, it in his usual monotone voice, though a smirk is badly hidden by his pig mask, "You might want to invest in a scarf, brother dearest."

Wilbur flushes bright read as the slowly forming family of six returns to the mom van.

901 words

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