Chapter 40- Slightly Sore Elbow

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i gift you all content, feast children!

TW/CWs: Swearing, Violence, Fighting, Nearly Falling off a Building, Implied Human Experimentation, Implied PTSD, Mention of Panic Attacks


Four people are in a standoff on top of a shoe shop. Three lithe figures in black tactical gear facing a single hero dressed in what can only be described as royalty-core; Black pants with a few gold chains, white ruffles shirt and red caped lined with fake fur.

Suddenly the silent standoff is broken by one of them stumbling backwards, nearly slipping off the roof.

One of the others darts a hand out, grasping their teammate's arm before they can fall, "Night?! What happened?"

The one who nearly fell, Night, eyes Techno from behind her mask with a tired anger, while rubbing the bridge of their nose, "Too many... too loud."

haha don't mess with chat


Weak child

Don't mess with chat





Techno shakes his head, trying to clear away the voices as they triumphantly chatter away. This "Night" person must have some sort of mental ability that Chat blocked by their sheer overwhelming chatter. One of Chat's few actual uses.





We're very helpful!

grumpy guts

After making sure they're seated safely on the ground, the one who stopped the other from falling turns to the shorter figure. Evidently planning something, which amuses the pinkette slightly.

"Drista?" The planning one asks, looking at the short one obviously asking a more complex question then the simple three-syllable word.

"Kay," The shorter one, who Techno assumes is Drista, nods while seeming to brace themselves.

"You're kiddin' me," Techno scoffs smirking slightly under his mask. These three kids are going to try to take him on, with one of them slightly out of commission, probably with a giant headache.

Before he can move, the shortest one has teleported behind him and put a small hand on the back of his head. As unconsciousness immediately takes him, he feels for the briefest moment the brush of a different mind against his.


As impressive as Drista's performance was, it comes with a very, very heavy toll on the girl who is now propped up against a wall, half conscious. Lani is kneeling by the pink haired hero's head working on wiping his memories of the incident. While the two are doing this, Teagan is tying up the hero with the cuffs provided by Kristen.

"All good?" Teagan looks over at the younger girl while double-checking the cuffs are properly activated. Double red lines show a stable seal, so the girl stands up, dusting off her knees.

"Yeah just..." She waves her hand around vaguely, not finishing the sentence out of exhaustion. Because of their experiences in the lab, all three girls have abilities they don't like to use, or things that can trigger them really badly.

Apart from a few shared triggers of the lab's smile logo, white rooms, doctors etc. each of them have a few individual triggers related to their powers.

For Lani, she hates using her telekinesis and interfering with other's minds.

Teagan gets uncomfortable around amounts of water larger than a sink and can't take tests of any kind without having a panic attack.

Drista hates using any of her -theoretically unlimited- powers, but has gotten more comfortable with teleporting more out of necessity.

Avoiding these aspects of their powers mean that it takes even more out of them when they use it. Hence Drista's half-conscious state and Lani's growing headache.

"Done. Lani?" The younger twin turns to her sister, who has a hand on the unconscious hero's forehead, eyes closed.

The older lynx hybrid is grimacing and breathing heavily, hating the feeling of rummaging around somebody else's head. To familiar of the many times she was forced to intrude on an innocent person's mind.

"Done," The older girl pulls away from the hero, wincing at the quickly forming headache, "If I did it right, he should have no memory of us."

"What the fuck!?" A somewhat deep voice, only familiar though videos and TV interviews comes from behind the three girls. Anger, confusion and concern are laced through the man's accented voice.

"You've gotta be-" Teagan whips around, only to hit something with her raised elbow. Looking down, the teen is greeted by an unconscious Jubilee and a slightly sore elbow, "Oh!"

703 words

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