Chapter 41 - Choose People, Not Sides :)

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heheh prepare for holiday angst lmao :)

anyways... cameo in this chapter by my fucking brain and its shit thoughts woo so extremely poggers /s

TW/CWs: Mention of Removing Memories(?), Swearing, Anxiety, Mention of ADHD, Death Threats (friendly just wanted to include in case), Hostage, Kidnapping, Darts/Needles, Weapons/Blades, Intrusive Thoughts, Mention of Panic Attacks, PTSD (object-orientated), please lmk if i miss any


Drista looks down at the unconscious forms of two top heroes, both tied up with power-blocking technology. Looking between the heroes and her teammates, she brushes her lightening hair out her face, "Uh we've got two out of three. Should we just try now and get it all over with?"

Teagan looks to her sister who shakes her head tiredly, hiding a yawn behind a gloved hand. Lani looks almost ready to pass out, completely unused to such strenuous use of her draining powers, "I can't wipe him."

With a sigh, the younger lynx hybrid gestures for the others to stand, "Fine. Lets go."


A few minutes earlier, the group of six arrived at the bakery with Wilbur and Philza shepherding Tubbo and Tommy. Tubbo is being his usual chaotic self, as is Tommy, though the raccoon hybrid is also nervous – not that he'd admit it- to see Niki, knowing the young baker will be worried and mad at him for suddenly disappearing. Naturally his anxiety manifests itself in being even more hyper and jumpy than usual.

The pink-haired baker behind the counter starts on her usual spiel, "Hi, welcome to Niki's Bakery can I-" she looks up and instantly switches to German, going off on most specifically Tommy but also the group as a whole.

By the time Niki switches back to a language everyone else can understand, she's on the other side of the counter and has engulfed her former employee in a tight hug. The axolotl hybrid releases the boy only to take his shoulders and start examining him for injuries, "TOMMY! OH MY PRIME I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU! WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE WERE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY?"

"Niki I'm fine! Stop mothering me!" The blonde tries halfheartedly to squirm away, gently batting at Niki's arms. Despite his weak attempts to get away his ears are happily relaxed, showing quite clearly that he's not actually upset, not that anyone points it out.

"He's fine Niki," Wilbur mutters, looking everywhere except at his childhood friend. Instantly Niki pins him with her terrifying motherly gaze, making the siren fidget with the hem of his sweater.

"Did you know where he was?"

"Uh..." The brunette continues looking at the floor before frantically making eye contact with his dad.

Philza only gestures to say 'you're on your own mate'

Wilbur looks up at the irate axolotl hybrid glaring at him and quietly says, "It's a really long story."

The baker's only response is to sit on the counter, looking at the group expectantly.

Throughout the choppy and disordered retelling of the past week and a half Techno can't shake the feeling that something is off. As the minutes tick by slowly, the feeling intensifies until he can't think about or focus on anything else. As Wilbur and tommy argue over some inconsequential detail, Techno tugs on Philza's sleeve and quietly mutters, "Dad can I...?" before gesturing outside.

The winged man nods with a soft smile, "Yeah of course, just stay close, okay?"

Techno only gives his father a flat look, "Dad I'm twenty-four, not five."

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