Chapter 51- If Only in my Dreams

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hi final xmas chapter sorta.

sorry it took so long.

also updates are gonna change now. 

Im gonna be finishing and editing the entire story, then i will reupload the edited versions of all published chapters, and update one new one a week until the book is done.


TW/CWs: Electrocution, Dehumanization, Swearing, Mention of Human Experimentation, Mention of Death, Missing Children, Mention of Kidnapping, Mention of Nightmares, Mention of Little Space, Implied Homophobia, Grief


Tommy wakes to a blaring alarm accompanied with a sharp shock on his ankle. Immediately the boy starts hyperventilating, remembering where he is as white overwhelms his senses.

He had had such a nice dream, everything as it had been no very long ago. All of them together and safe. Wilbur. Techno. Phil.

Strange as it may be, or perhaps not strange at all, the raccoon hybrid misses them so, so much.

Tommy just wants the three heroes to appear to save them all. Though he knows deep down that that probably won't happen- the lab is government sanctioned after all.

"Experiment 1812 315 1514 stand against the back wall. Failure to comply will result in immediate consequences."

"NO FUCK YOU AND YOUR FUCKING SHIT ASS CONSEQUENCES YOU FUCKING PUSSY!" Tommy shouts, his anger and sadness forming a wave of emotions that breaks the years of conditioning keeping him in line.

The second the final word leaves his mouth, a painful and unrelenting shock pulsates through him, making the raccoon hybrid scream out in pain as the door opens and four guard enter his room, weapons at the ready.

All the blonde teenager can do is scream and whimper and they cuff and muzzle him, still spasming from the constant shocks delivered by his anklet.


Aimsey wakes up to the same painful shock on her ankle and dull cotton silence she has for the past year.

Automatically, she stands and grabs the day's white, itchy jumpsuit and begins her brutally short morning routine. Her 'routine' consists of rushing to change while chewing on the disgusting fluoride capsule that is beside her jumpsuit, then brushing her dark brown hair with her fingers. But it's pretty much the only "me time" the traumatized girl gets

As the bear hybrid rushes to get ready, she thinks about the dream she had.

It was strange, she generally doesn't dream. Its easier that way, not having to relive the past every single night. Memories good and bad that are better forgotten for Aimsey's own sake.

Memories from back when she could hear.

From before the lab.

Before he died.

When it was just the four of them in the group home. Life wasn't perfect, sure, but it was a hell of a lot better than whatever pseudo-life they're all stuck in now.

Two more shocks on her ankle bring the deaf hybrid back to the present and she quickly runs her fingers through her shoulder-length hair before standing docilly against the back wall of her cell.

The cell door opens to reveal her usual guard, sent to fetch her for yet another day of her endless torture in this hellhole of a lab.


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