Chapter 2- Bee Boi: Healer of All

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lessons I have learned: never trust myself to write a script, dont eat peaches offered by siblings, never name books at 6 in the morning after 6 hrs of crap sleep, never let myself name chapters randomly...

6 reads already? Thank you ! :D

do feel free to comment and vote and all that good stuff :]

Anyways onto story...

TW/CW: Blood, Mention of Fainting/Passing Out, Somewhat Graphic Description of Injuries, Medication


The cloud reforms in the Bench Trio's apartment and Ranboo staggers out half- carrying a bloodied and bruised Tommy.

Tubbo rushes forward and helps the taller put Tommy on their tattered couch. The second the youngest his out of his arms, Ranboo nearly collapses to the floor, his hands on his head.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo slips an arm around the taller boy to keep him upright.

Still rubbing his temples, Ranboo staggers out of Tubbo's grasp and leans against the doorframe, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Check on Tommy, he passed out when we teleported. I just need to lie down don't worry Tubs."

"Kay, you can have the bed tonight big man," The oldest tells Ranboo while gently taking off Tommy's mask, "Could you pass me the first aid kit?"

On his way out the door, the taller teen gently throws the first aid kit to the bee hybrid. Tubbo nods to himself as he starts patching up the younger boy. Despite being only seventeen, the boy's skill with medical supplies is near professional level, mostly due to a LOT of practice over the years.

Tubbo gently hovers his hands over Tommy's broken ribs. Small sparks of yellow energy jump from the bee hybrids hands to his brother, speeding up the healing. As waves of tiredness hit him, the oldest of the trio moves to the bandaged gash on Tommy's leg. After healing the worst of the younger's injuries, Tubbo staggers to his feet. Yawning, he makes sure Tommy is as comfortable as he can be on the lumpy fourth-hand couch, before standing and putting the first aid kit away.

Before going to bed, the short teen pops his head in to check on Ranboo, only to see the lanky ender boy completely passed out on the bed. Tubbo smiles as he gently tugs the blanket over Ranboo before going back into the main room. The bee hybrid curls up in the nest he made on the floor and falls asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, Tubbo wakes up first and makes three serving of ramen for everyone's breakfast. Somehow managing to nearly burn himself on the kettle Ranboo tried to Tubbo/Tommy-proof. Once there are three steaming plastic bowls of ramen sitting on the counter, Tubbo starts working on one of Tommy's earpieces.

Technology is Tubbo's passion. And the short hybrid is good at it too. Part of his power is energy manipulation, which plays well into his love for making things out of electronics.

Because of this, Tubbo has been the trio's resident tinkerer/tech guy for years. By now his skills extend from building and modifying stuff like the earpieces to hacking into the city's surveillance footage to keep an eye on Tommy and Ranboo.

His main project at the moment is of course fixing the earpieces, but he has a side project going on as well. All Ranboo and Tommy know- or want to know for that matter- is that it's finicky and Tubbo will randomly burst out in swearing rants when it bothers him.

Tubbo has been up for a few hours fiddling with the earpieces and Ranboo is still sleeping when Tommy drags himself off the couch to get ready for his day job.

"Painkillers," The bee hybrid reminds his brother without looking up from the earpiece he's tinkering with.

"Right, thanks big man," Tommy grabs the bottle off the counter and quickly takes the pills before scarfing down the cheap ramen noodles straight out of the plastic bowl.

The only reason Tommy is even up at this somewhat normal time is that a few months ago the sixteen-year-old managed to get a proper job working at a local bakery. As the blonde starts getting ready to leave for work, Tubbo calls his name and throws a small bag at the blonde's head and gestures at his face.

The youngest teen catches it reflexively and glances at the bag. It's the small make-up bag they trio keep around to cover up any particularly noticeable bruises and cuts they get.

"You've got a little something there," Tubbo gestures to the side of his own face. Tommy has a large, darkening bruise on the side of his jaw, probably from face-planting into the ground last night.

"Ah right. Thanks, big man. Almost forgot about that."

The short boy hums in response as Tommy hurries back to the washroom to quickly cover up the large, very noticeable bruise still developing on the side of his face. After a minute or two, Tommy reemerges and lets Tubbo make sure it's covered before rushing off to work.

765 words

Next update will be on Monday around 2:30 PM BST! 

hopefully... :)

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