Chapter 35- Who is it?

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"Let's get to business," Schlatt slips the two vials into a case and locks it before steepling his hands and leaning forward like some 1960's cartoon villain, "I have need of the three of you and your respective abilities. You three need the antidote that you can get from me, and only me."

"What's stopping us from just leaving?" Drista's eyes are darting around the room as she says this, obviously figuring a way out for the three girls. The guards still standing in the shadowy corners make things even more complicated since they could just be humans or they could also have powers...

The fake brunette is brought back to the terrifying excuse for a conversation by a quiet, bone-chilling laugh from Schlatt, "I'm assuming you mean yourself teleporting out and replicating Prussian Blue yourself using your remarkable powers," The grin on the ram's face grows nearly psychopathic before he once more resumes a professional expression, "Look at your hands."

Drista does and immediately notices two things- the faint green glow that always emanates from her bare skin is gone and there is a faint coating of something silvery all over her palms.

When she looks up in horrified confusion Schlatt only smirks, "The mug had a dusting of titanium. Not a high enough concentration you would notice, but enough to block your powers."

"How the fuck did you kno-"

Schlatt cuts the question off without acknowledging it, "Now that that's out of the way. Are you interested in a deal?"

"What do you even need our abilities for anyways?" Lani asks the question all three had been wondering for some time now.

"A job," The villain replies elusively, "I have a client who recently discovered the location of some rather expensive property. They want it retrieved- intact- as soon as possible."

"Sounds way too fucking simple."

"Yeah, why didn't you just, I dunno, hire us like a normal fucking person instead of like kidnapping us and poisoning us?"

"Cause, we wouldn't take a job like this normally and he knows it," Teagan speaks for the first time since she identified the poison given to them. The look she's giving Schlatt is one of someone who as a slight understanding of another person, but at the same time is still trying to figure them out, "It's a person, or people, isn't it? You want us to kidnap somebody because they're your client's 'property', don't you?"

"Intuitive aren't you."

"Comes with the occupation."

The smirk on the ram hybrid's face grows slightly at the teen's deadpan response, "Yes, it is a person. Three, in fact. Normally I would just have our lovely Goddess do it but there are a few complications for her with this particular target."

"Who is it?"


Tommy Innit and Tubbo Underscore had somehow ended up in a dog-pile on top of Ranboo M. Beloved during the night. Which does not make any sense since Tommy sleeps on the couch in the corner of the room. But somehow it happened, and now Ranboo is faced with the very real problem of getting up as he is completely pinned, unable to move a single limb.

This problem is solved almost immediately by Wilbur coming in to wake the trio up. When the siren sees Ranboo's plight he struggles to contain his laughter instead walking over and poking Tommy in the ribs.

"No early," Tommy mumbles into Tubbo's hair, quiet clearly still half asleep.

"C'mon you need to get dressed," Wilbur punctuates each syllable with another poke at the blonde.

"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEHH!" The raccoon hybrid squawks, failing a few limbs haphazardly in Wilbur's general direction.

"You and Tubbo are crushing Ranboo, and he looks ready to snap," Wilbur's observation is quiet accurate, the heterochromic teen smushed under his friends is slowly looking more and more irritated.

"Fine, fine," Tommy mumbles, reaching up to rub his eyes while yawning wildly, showing off his unusually pointed canines, "Why do we have to get up this early anywaysss the sun isn't even uppp."

Wilbur pats the blonde's messy curls, "I'll explain when you're dressed and fully conscious."

Tommy sluggishly drags himself off of Ranboo and fumbles for a cleanish floor shirt, "Booo you're no fun Wilby."

"Did you just fucking call me Wilby?"

"No fuck you go away, bitch."

717 words

im working on the medals, promise

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