Chapter 10-

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Double digits pog?


also longish chapter with only one POV switch and hardly any tws? what madness!


TW/CWs: Burns/Mentions of Burns, Swearing, extremely (like EXTREMELY) brief mention of Police


It's fully night when the trio finally make it back to their ratty apartment. The shitty hovel the three have called home for a few years now is on the street between the questionable part of town and the area of the city you do NOT causally walk through even in the day.

Tubbo helps Ranboo get into comfy pajamas that won't irritate his burns while Tommy changes and gets painkillers for the two of them.

After Ranboo is settled on the couch, Tommy staggers to the kitchen only to find Tubbo blocking the way ominously.

"Tommy," Tubbo takes the taller by the sleeve of his baseball tee and leads him to stand by the couch. Tubbo and Tommy probably would sit down, if they had any furniture other than the tattered couch. Which is currently occupied by a lanky ender boi who's a couch hog when they're uninjured.

"Tubbo! Ma friend! Wazzup?" The nervous smile plastered on his face completely betrays the confidence Tommy is trying to project, "If I wasn't such a big man I'd be scared right now."

"Tommy, we have to leave," Tubbo looks his younger brother in the eyes as he delivers this saddening fact. Both Tommy and Ranboo know that he doesn't mean just move apartments. The trio have to completely disappear form this city. Hell maybe even the country if they can manage it.

"I know," the blonde's half-smile is uncharacteristically sad. Even the usual mischievous glint in Tommy's eyes look kinda sad as the raccoon hybrid looks at his two brothers.

"I know you like it here but- wait you agree?" Shock and surprise replace Tubbo's previously somber expression.

"Yeah, it's not safe here anymore," Tommy declares softly. This is one of the moments where his loud and boisterous cover has fallen down to reveal the kind and responsible boy Tommy really is underneath.

Ranboo tugs slightly on Tubbo's sleeve, causing the bee boi to look down. With imploring eyes, the taller teen shakes his head slightly. Tubbo knows what Ranboo is trying to say- he's used to being the younger's interpreter when he can't or won't speak.

"But we do have to wait for Ranboo to heal," Tubbo amends his previous statement. There is no way Ranboo can even walk to the corner store right now. Much less flee the city and possibly country.

"Tubbo we'll get evicted in a week if we don't pay the rent, but we can't go pay the rent because the fucking landlord lives next to the police station," Tommy spits angrily. After a second of quiet contemplation, he hurriedly backpedals, "Oh sorry. Misdirected anger."

Tubbo looks between the two before looking at Ranboo and telling him bluntly, "Ranboo, you have a week to get better."

After a moment of silence all three burst into laughter.



The voice of Wilbur's father is in his ear immediately, concern evident, "Wil you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I just fucking fell into a fucking dumpster," he mutters as he attempts to brush himself off. Physical endurance and hand-eye coordination have never been strong suits of the siren.

Wilbur is much better at long-range combat- when something turns hand-to-hand, he either hypnotizes the enemy or hides behind Techno and/or Phil. Sometimes both.


"Techno," Phil's warning tone instantly shuts the older twin up. Phil's warning tone could shut any kid- anyone up. Hell, it could probably make a storm go around because of it's intense dad-ness.

"Can we go home?" Wilbur whines, stumbling towards the fire escape, "It's freezing," he pulls one of the gadgets off his belt, "And I don't have a coat," The whiny hero aims the fist-sized object at the top of the fire escape and fires a think cable that wraps securely around the railing, "And we're not gonna find them tonight," Wil finishes as he zips though the air, landing safely on the landing just below the top of the fire escape, "Huh that worked pretty well," the siren mutters to himself as he runs to the roof.

"Wil you're always cold," Techno's monotone voice contains zero empathy for his younger- by an hour- brother.

"Oi so are you! You just a) never complain and b) remember shit like outer layers," Wilbur shouts into the air as he shivers, waiting for a hopeful pick up from his dad.

Wilbur is right though; Techno is a piglin hybrid – don't ask them how it works with them being twins, they have no clue- so the chilly weather in L'Manburg City was especially unpleasant for the older. The pink-haired hero combats this with long underwear and an intimidating red cape that has a very fuzzy lining.

"Point being?" The lazy drawl of his voice is intentionally meant to antagonize Wilbur- and it works.

"Boys," Phil calmly cuts through their bickering again, "Yes, we can go home, Wil. I just have to check in with the PD and Council."

"Thanks Dad," Wilbur mumbles, shivering in the cold wind as he watches his dad fly towards him.

"Alright," Techno's response makes it clear what kind of texter he is.

850 words

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