Chapter 25

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long angsty boi. one more update today at least. it might also be a special one who knows?

TW/CWs: Swearing, Implied Facial Dysmorphia (sorta wanted to include it just incase), Food, Eating, Mention of Burns, Scars, Mention of Severe Burns, Implied Over-binding


The three migrate downstairs ten minutes later, Tommy and Tubbo still arguing while Ranboo trails behind them, readjusting the itchy mask. Tommy had forced Tubbo to wear Ranboo's hoodie (which the taller had gladly surrendered) instead of putting his binder back on to give his ribs a break. As a makeshift bra they had rolled Tubbo's shirt up and tied it loosely enough that it wouldn't hurt but tight enough so it works.

"Ayup!" Wilbur greets the three, mouth already stuffed full of pancake.

"Morning Bitchbur," Tommy responds, sitting down between Phil and Tubbo.

Techno snorts into his carefully crafted stack of pancakes. Three of the golden disks, each with a precise layer of homemade whipped cream and strawberries between them. The top has syrup and berry sauce drizzled artistically with a picture-perfect dollop of whipped cream.

In contrast, Wilbur's plate just a mess of carbs and sugar.

"I like him," The pinkette declares to the table causing everyone except Wilbur to burst out in laughter.

"Well as lovely as having my brother and the new kid gang up on me is, I need to get to work."

"Right bye Wil."

"Bye!" Wilbur shouts though his full mouth as he pulls on his coat and closes the door. Chewing as he walks, the young hero makes his way to the train station where he waits for ten or so minutes.

After a thirty-minute ride the brunette steps off the train barely a block away from the towering HQ complex. Wilbur walks slowly, taking in the fresh air before stepping inside the familiar sliding doors.

Instantly he's accosted by an irate sheep hybrid, "Wilbur!"

"Puffy. You look uh mad, I'm scared," The siren takes a step back as the rainbow-clad doctor steps right to the edge of his personal bubble.

"Good," Puffy says flatly, brown eyes digging into Wilbur's skin, "You didn't tell Phil to call me did you? I left a note at your desk!"

Wilbur blinks, vaguely remembering the note he'd seen on his desk the night before- and promptly thrown out when it was just a series of scribbles that did not in any ways resemble the English alphabet, "Is that what that said?"

"Yes," Puffy sighs, seeming slightly offended that the young hero didn't understand her horrible writing.

"Well, I can't read doctor-ish. Give Dad your chicken scratch notes in person," Wilbur huffs, instantly regretting it when Puffy's glare intensifies.

"Wilbur," Puffy uses her 'mom voice' as she stares the teen down.

"Yes?" The siren squeaks, trying to appear innocent and subconsciously crouching slightly.

Puffy smirks slightly at the effect her 'mom voice' has on Wilbur, "Please tell your dad to call me when he's free."

"Okay Auntie Puffy, love you!" Wilbur quickly scurries away from the intimidating doctor.


Wilbur returns from his patrol just as Ranboo and Phil are starting dinner. Ranboo is rummaging for a certain pot while Phil looks for a box in the pantry. Ranboo pulls out a large pot and after checking with the elytrian hybrid, starts filling it with water.

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