Chapter 16- raccoon boi fluff then *smack* angst :)

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double update pog?

nice long angsty chapter for all you demon children.

1K READS YOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! As promised you will now be receiving a Halloween special! (which will probably be several parts oooOooOooo)

Details on the special so far (skippable):

-Will actually be a part of the main story and will have actual plot happen during it

-will have multiple perspectives (Sbi? benchtrio? Dream Team? mystery forest girls? hmmm whooooo knowwsss)

-might include art i draw depending on how inspired/bored i get


no but seriously please do comment and vote I love interacting with all of you! (even those of you with questionable opinions on axolotls- but i still ily all /p)

TW/CWs: Knives, Violence, Being Arrested, Anxiety, Anxiety Attack, Hypnosis(?), Unintentional Abandonment, Swearing


The next day marks the final day before the Bench Trio will be evicted and thus their final day in L'Manburg City. Their meager possessions packed away in a pitifully small pile ratty backpack and duffel bags, the three are slouched around the living room, arguing as usual.

"They know where you work- they've seen all of us there," Tubbo gestures to each of them in turn, irate at his little brother's apparent lack of concern for his own safety as well as that of the group's, "Plus it looked like Siren was friends with Niki- what if she rats us out!"

"I know that but- HOW DARE YOU NIKI WOULD NEVER!" Tommy shouts, glaring at his brother before his gaze softens, "I jus' wanted to say thanks and bye..."

"Maybe you could leave a note?" Ranboo offers, just wanting the pair to stop fighting before it escalates.

Tommy considers this offer and nods to himself before looking to Tubbo for permission, which the bee hybrid reluctantly gives after a moment.

With a childish glee, Tommy tracks down a pen and a piece of paper. After sitting down on the floor next to the couch, he proceeds to scribble out a note to Niki. After many crossed out profanities, Tommy has a messy, slightly crumpled but heartfelt letter.

The raccoon hybrid instinctively holds the precious piece of paper against his chest in both hands, "Can I go deliver it now while being a very stealthy and careful big man?" Tommy's eyes light up with the question as the hybrid's paws become more prominent with his strong happiness.

Tubbo smiles at his brother, his own hybrid instincts kicking in, making want to protect the youngest member of his hive. With a nod, Tubbo walks over to a duffel and pulls out a set of the new communications units, "Take an earpiece and try to blend in. If you're not back in a half hour we're coming after you."

"Got it big man! I will be swifter than the wind!" With this bold but very Tommy declaration, Tommy rushes out of the door with his hood pulled up over his head.

About twenty-five minutes later, Tubbo feels vibrations in the hallway outside and cautiously stands and walks to the door. It feels like Tommy footsteps, but running, which could be concerning, or could just be Tommy.

Deciding it's better to open the door and face either his brother or whatever is chasing him, the bee hybrid pulls the door open before Tommy can reach it, "Tommy what did you-" Tubbo is cut off by a green knife appearing against his neck. The bee hybrid stumbles as he's grabbed by one of the top heroes in city, knife still pressed against his throat.

"Tubbo?" Ranboo calls after a few seconds of silence, "What did Tommy..." The ender hybrid pokes his head in from the living room, and freezes.

"You fuckers," Tubbo spits, attempting to keep an eye on the strange knife at his throat.

The taller of the two stays quiet, eyes darting around the room frantically while four other heroes enter the apartment. As the teen's panic increases, he starts to shake slightly.

A rattling from the fire escape window causes everyone to jump. A thud, followed by footsteps sounds through the dead quiet apartment.

"GUYS? Where the fuck are you people. Sorry it took me awhile, you wouldn't believe who I saw on my way back. The fucking A-" Tommy freezes, blinks for a second, then pulls a pair of knives out of his pockets.

Blade and Pyro instantly move towards him and Dream tightens his grip on Tubbo and his knife.

The confrontation and general helplessness of their situation is absolutely terrifying to Ranboo, who is completely panicking in the corner. None of the heroes notice him until purple particles start to appear and swirl around him.

Spotting this immediately, Dream conjures another shimmering green knife which he points menacingly at the ender hybrid, "If your little purple storm starts up, you'll be in a fucking aquarium minus your little buddy here alright?"

This threat sets Tommy off, and the blonde starts screaming at the older blonde, forgetting the other heroes, "YOU FUCKING WANKER LEAVE US ALONE!"

"For fucks sake shut up," An angry glare accompanies this statement, and suddenly a green metal gag appears on Tommy's face, making it impossible for him to talk.

"You three are coming with us whether you like it or not," Dream motions forward and the other four move towards the two boys.

A cold metal presses against Dream's neck and instantly all of his energy is gone. The hero flops ungracefully to the ground while Tubbo tucks the hunk of metal into the hero's fingerless gloves before scrambling towards Tommy.

Ranboo grabs the brothers and teleports away, but unfortunately his shaky grip isn't particularly strong. One of the heroes gets a grip on Tommy's wrist and Tubbo's ankles.

So Ranboo disappears into a purple cloud leaving his brothers behind.

The bee hybrid lets out a strangled cry as he's slammed into the floor, knee on his back, as his hands are cuffed behind him. Tubbo's ankles are also cuffed, and two strips of cloth tied around his head- one as a blindfold, one as a gag. He simply curls up in pain as his younger brother receives the same rough treatment.

Wilbur motions for everyone to cover their ears. Once everyone minus Techno (because he always has powers blocking earbuds in around Wilbur) he quickly says, "Sleep," his voice has lilting layers to it that make the pair of vigilantes instantly comply- Power proof earbuds are only useful if you're wearing them.

"You good?" George hurries over to Dream who is still lying on the ground, hands shakily over his ears.

"Yeah. Mind picking that up for me?" The unusually shaken hero asks as he picks himself up off the ratty carpet.

George grabs the small ingot and tucks it into a pocket, "Titanium?"

"Yeah. Not sure how the kid knew or where he got it."

1013 words pog?

eat the food.

drink the water. (or kool aid or juice just plz drink somthing healthy-ish)

take the meds. (if you need)

remember ily you all and you demon children are what inspire me to keep writing this story <3 /p

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