Chapter 32- Your Boss is a Nonce

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I had to spilt the last updates into two parts cause it was over 1400 words (700 is my words min and 1400 max for each chapter) so you demon children get a double update today!

also ty for 1K votes everybody


TW/CWs: Jumping off a Balcony, Swearing, Mention of Lost Family, Mention of P3dophillia, Manipulation/Coercion of Minors


Dream takes a slow step forward trying to get close enough to the other to grab them. Any person able to break into the Hero Complex for the supposed fun of taunting one of the top heroes is defiantly someone that needs to be questioned at the very least.

This action does not go unnoticed by the trespasser, who declares, "You'll see," Before flipping backwards off the balcony. By the time Dream reaches the edge, the only remaining is faint green glow.

While the perplexed hero hurries inside to tell his teammates, two blocks away a green flash of light reveals the sneaky person laughing her head off.

Grinning under her eye mask, Lani or NightStalker as she goes by when doing vigilante work, approaches the other girl, "Have fun messing with your brother?"

Drista wheezes a few times before catching her breath and loudly muttering, "Fucker deserves it," The formerly blonde (she dyed her hair to help the three get away with more- three brunettes are a lot harder to tell apart then two brunettes and a platinum blonde) looks to the taller girl, "Any luck finding your sister?"

"No. Tea's been looking frantically. Whatever happened on Halloween really freaked her out."

"She's still not told you what's up with that?"

"No, it's weird."

"You'll find her; there's nothing Tea can't hack into."

"I hope so. We're meeting her at the café?" Drista asks as she pulls her blue jean overalls over her semi-formfitting black pants.

"Yep, let's go," Lani leads the way down from the abandoned roof.

After a five-minute walk, the pair reach a welcoming and homey café along a semi-busy street. Warm light spills out from flower-laden windows and the smell of baking spills over the two accompanied with a light series of chimes when they push open the door.

"Hey girls!" the sweet café owner greets the pair as they walk in, "Tate's just over there," The axolotl hybrid gestures to where the older sister is sitting with a mug of cocoa and an open laptop, carefully angled away from any passersby.

As far as the kind baker knows, the three are sisters Tate, Lea and Drew who like to do their homework in her café on occasion. And the three girls are perfectly happy with it staying that way, for their safety and Niki's.

"Hi Niki!" Drista smiles, running a hand through her rough hair, "We're just here to pick Tate up- we need to be home early today."

"Of course! Do either of you two want any of the blueberry muffins? We accidently made a batch with chocolate chips as well."

"Sure, thanks Niki!"

"No problem kids!"


The three walk to a less-busy spot so Drista can teleport them home, munching on their blueberry-chocolate chip muffins as they walk. Right as they turn the alley corner, a dark figure emerges from the shadows as though it was waiting for the trio.

The figure is wearing loose but practical black robes with a few strategically placed swaths of shiny dark purple chiffon-like fabric. A black hood and white eye mask modeled after a human skull completely obscure the woman's identity. Thick curly hair in a dark brown closer to Teagan's but still darker rolls to the stranger's collarbone.

"Who are you?" Drista steps slightly in front of her friends, arms out, ready to fight or defend if needed.

"What's wrong?" Teagan asks as Lani continues to stare at the stranger, frozen in shock.

"How?" Lani breathes, eyes still as wide as saucers.

The strange woman laughs slightly, seeming to understand what the girl meant, "A side effect."

Teagan looks to Lani who shakes her head slightly. This mystery woman is somehow completely immune to Lani's telepathy.

Drista moves more in front of the others, repeating her question in a much more threatening tone, "Who. Are. You?"

"Me? I'm the Goddess of Death. I know who you are, Drista and NightStalker."

"You seem like the stalker to me," Drista snaps, glaring at the supposed "goddess of death' through her mask.

The black-robed woman smirks condescendingly, "My employer has a vested interest in keeping tabs on the local young vigilantes."

"All I got from that is your boss is a nonce," Teagan summarizes in a rather crude and offensive manner.

"I assure you, he is nothing of the sort. He would like to extend an invitation to the three of you."

The younger twin looks incredulously at the woman from behind Drista, "Your not-a-nonce boss wants us to meet with him?"

"We don't really do inter-team work," Drista says derisively, "Or work with anyone else," The youngest girl adds after a second of thought.

"Yeah, we like to do our own dumb shit."

"Your choice, of course. I do suggest you reconsider," With this menacing statement, the Goddess of Death extends her open palm. A large ivory coin rests in the center, an infamous swirled horn pattern carved intricately into it.

"Oh fuck," Teagan mutters, and for once Lani doesn't tell her off.

841 words

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