Untitled Part 39

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Two updates in two days what madness! Anyways heheheeeheh enjoy ig.

TW/CW: Swearing, Stalking, Stimming, Arguing, Mention of Kidnapping, Mention of Death


Three masked mercenaries are perched on the roof of a shoe shop, watching six people in the familiar café across the street. Despite their serious outfits and the undeniable severity of their situation, two of the three girls are bickering like children. Which admittedly they are.

"I wanna doughnut," The youngest of the trio declares in a voice that makes it very clear if her needs of sugary carbohydrates are not met there will be whining.

"We don't have time for doughnuts, Drista!"

"But doughhnuttsss! Suggarrrr! Niki makes the best onesss!" The shorter whines, fidgeting with a buckle on her sleeve.

"Shhh," The younger twin calms the hyper girl down before attempting to placate her, "We can bug Kristen into getting some with us later. For now, focus."

"Mememeeemem fineee," Drista dramatically flops her head over to watch the café, still absentmindedly messing with the hard plastic buckle.

Still watching the small coffee shop, Teagan starts laying out the rough plan already forming in her mind, "So, I was thinking, provided we manage to separate them from the heroes, we should target the bee hybrid, Tubbo. Get him and the others will cooperate if their videos Kristen showed us are true."

Lani nods, eyes still trained on the figures in Niki's bakery, "Yeah, Ender's gonna be the biggest problem for us I think. And Drista-" She turns quickly to make sure the younger is paying attention,"- You stay away from that Tommy kid till we knock him out or get the cuffs on him; we don't need him stealing your powers."

"I have an idea," The overpowered girl pipes up looking between her friends and the bakery.

"Drista," Lani says, her tone not warning, more saying what-you're-about-to-say-had-better-be-relevant.

"No, no it's a good one," The naturally blonde brunette assures, flapping her hand happily, "So endermen-"

"Live in the wilderness and aren't very-"

"Are sensitive to water and which means that he could be too," Drista happily points out, hand flapping intensifying with her pride and happiness.

"So... what you want us to carry around little water pistols?" Teagan asks, slightly joking, but also giving the out-of-the-box idea serious thought.

Drista pauses before nodding, one hand gripping the other to try and stop the flapping before she smacks someone, "Yeah."

"That could actually work..." Teagan grins at the younger girl before looking down at her hands, obviously thinking through the idea with more detail, "If not it's a good distraction at least."

Lani snaps her head around to eye her younger sister, "Water's heavy, Teagan!"

"I know but just a small amount on each of us could..." The younger lynx hybrid turns to her sister, trying to explain how Drista's idea could work.

Drista looks over at the café, only to see five of the six people they're supposed to be watching. Turning back to the twins, she quietly asks, "Guys, where'd Pinkie go?"

"We don't have unlimited storage space on our persons! We already have to carry weapons, these giant clunky cuffs-" Lani shakes the pair of handcuffs attached to her belt, "- and we're gonna need supplies for breaking and entering!"

"Guys the Blade isn't down there anymore!" Drista tries to cut over their argument to no avail.

"Are you just trying to make this harder than it already is? We have something easily accessible that will either give us a giant advantage or be a half-decent distraction! What the frick is your problem?"

"My problem? Oh I don't know maybe that we're kidnapping people who as far as I can tell ARE JUST LIKE US! Instead of warning and helping them!"

"Oh are we just supposed to let ourselves die?" Teagan whisper shouts, hands flying dramatically.

"Shit," The youngest hisses, eyes wide as she stares behind them.

"Drista can you wait a-"

The shorter girl cuts her off, summoning a pair of lime green dagger from the air, "FOR FUCKS SAKE TURN THE FUCK AROUND!"

Lani's eyes widen, "Shit."

"Oi!" Teagan hisses, shooting a quick glare at her twin from under her mask and hood.

"Not the time, Misc," Drista and Lani say in unison, watching the newcomer with wary eyes.

The Blade glares at them through his pig mask, adjusting his grip on his sword, "Who are you and why are you following us?"

716 words

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