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"You call this a proposal? It's trash!" I snapped, tossing the folder onto my desk. "You've been with this company for over four years, yet you still act like an intern and work like one too."

The department head hung his head low, along with his team. I wanted to fire them all, but replacing them would take too much time.

"Redo it and have a new one on my desk by the day after tomorrow," I commanded, flinging the folder aside.

"Yes, Mr. Kim," they responded in unison, bowing before exiting my office.

I sighed in frustration once the door closed. Before I could fully recover, someone barged in without knocking. I already knew who it was.

"Good morning, Taehyung," she greeted with a broad smile.

"What are you doing here, Yuri?" I asked, irritation evident in my voice.

Instead of answering, she made herself comfortable on the couch and set a basket on the table.

"Why do you look so mad this early in the morning? Aren't you happy to see your fiancée?" she smirked.

"Fiancée, my ass," I muttered, focusing on my work.

Yuri kept bugging me as I worked, and I couldn't take it anymore. I called security to escort her out. I'd also have to remember to fire my secretary for letting her in while I was working.

After hours of work, it was almost half-past eleven. I was sure only a few workers remained in the building.

I left my office and headed to the parking lot. Once in my car, I started the engine and drove off.

I enjoyed driving late at night. The streets were quieter, the air cooler, and the night sky was perfect.

My gaze caught a woman walking along the sidewalk. She looked like she might pass out at any moment.

I didn't care. I didn't know her, and she might think I had bad intentions if I tried to help.

"Fuck it," I mumbled when I saw her faint and collapse.

Parking my car at the curb, I ran over to her. "Miss? Miss? Wake up," I said, gently shaking her, but she didn't respond.

Her hair covered her face, so I brushed it aside. As soon as I saw her face, my eyes widened.


Panic set in, and I quickly carried her to my car, laying her on the back seat. I sped to the hospital, cursing repeatedly as I drove.

At the hospital, nurses guided me as I brought her in. I watched anxiously as they checked her over.

"Are you a relative?" the doctor asked.

"Yes. I'm her fiancé," I lied.

"She's dehydrated and lacking sleep, which caused her to faint. But don't worry, it's not life-threatening. She just needs rest, hydration, and the prescribed medication and vitamins." He handed me a paper. "She seems stressed too. As her partner, you should be there for her." He patted my shoulder and left.

I sat beside her bed, holding her hand. Her pale lips contrasted with the light pink ones I remembered. But she was still as beautiful as ever.

"What happened to you?" I whispered, a tear escaping as memories flooded back.

Her smiles, her laughter, her eyes, her love—they felt so perfect when they were hers.

After half an hour, she stirred. I immediately asked several questions. She looked confused at first but quickly sat up after recognizing me.

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