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The moon hung high, casting an ethereal glow over the city. Taehyung's footsteps echoed through the quiet streets, his mind consumed by thoughts of her. Jennie. She was the center of his universe, the spark that ignited his soul. His obsession.

He first saw her at a small café downtown. She sat by the window, sunlight dancing on her hair, lost in a book. Her laughter was a melody, her smile a beacon.

Taehyung was drawn to her as if by some invisible force. Days turned into weeks, and he found himself frequenting the café, memorizing her habits, her likes, and her dislikes.

He knew her friends, her favorite songs, even the perfume she wore.

Every day, Taehyung watched her from a distance, his longing growing stronger with each passing moment. His thoughts were consumed by her, his dreams filled with her face.

He became a shadow in her life, always near. He knew it was unhealthy, but he couldn't help himself. Jennie was everything he had ever wanted, and more.

One night, Taehyung stood outside her apartment, heart pounding. He watched as she moved gracefully within, her silhouette a perfect shadow against the curtains.

His phone buzzed—a text from Jennie.

"Are you out there again? ;)"

He smiled, fingers trembling as he replied. "Always. I can't stay away."

"Come up. I miss you."

Taehyung's heart raced as he ascended the stairs, every step bringing him closer to her. He entered her apartment, and there she was, radiating an intoxicating allure. She welcomed him with open arms, her touch electric.

They spent the night intertwined, an endless dance of passion and desire. Jennie thrived on his obsession, her eyes sparkling with excitement whenever he spoke of his undying love.

She reveled in his devotion, a twisted game that fueled their bond.

But Jennie's ex-boyfriend, Troy, was a problem. He couldn't accept that she had moved on, constantly lurking in the shadows, trying to win her back.

Taehyung could feel his blood boil whenever he saw Troy. The mere thought of him near Jennie was unbearable.

One evening, Taehyung followed Troy. His mind was a tempest of rage and jealousy, his heart a storm of passion.

He confronted Troy in a dark alley, fists clenched, eyes burning with an intensity that startled even him.

"Stay away from Jennie," Taehyung growled, his voice low and menacing.

Troy sneered. "Or what? You think she loves you? You're just her latest plaything."

The words struck like daggers, but they also ignited a fire within Taehyung. Without a second thought, he lunged at Troy.

The fight was brutal, fueled by raw emotion and primal instinct. Taehyung's vision blurred with rage, and before he knew it, Troy lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling around him.

Breathing heavily, Taehyung stared at what he had done. Panic surged through him, but alongside it was a strange satisfaction.

He had removed the threat, protected his love. He stumbled back to Jennie's apartment, hands shaking, covered in blood.

Jennie opened the door, her eyes widening at the sight. But instead of horror, Taehyung saw a flicker of something else.

Excitement. She pulled him inside, kissing him fiercely, her hands tangling in his hair.

"You did it," she whispered, her voice a mixture of awe and hunger. "You really love me that much."

"Anything for you," Taehyung murmured, his fear dissolving in the heat of her gaze. "I'd do anything."

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